Teachers! It can be different for us!!

Hello! Any other teachers out there?! It can be different for us! I just posted an answer to someone's question about liquid intake.... being in the classroom can make that challenging because you just don't have that easy access to the bathroom! If you have recess duty, and activities at lunch, a non-teaching time at different times of the day, etc. how do you do it? And then there's the well meaning students, parents and teachers bringing baking into the staffroom..... So? What are some tips and tricks from teachers?


  • olehcat
    olehcat Posts: 92 Member
    I'm a teacher! I'm a little different because I'm a specialist (I deal with small groups) so I can occasionally run to the bathroom between groups, but it's not easy because I have a strict schedule to follow and the staff bathroom almost always has a line! I have to admit that I have not discovered a solution to the water thing! I get up very early (to have me time before I go to school) and I try to drink two big glasses of water then. Then there's about 2 hours for it to get out of my system before school. Then I literally don't have time to even take sips of water all morning until lunch! I drink water at lunch, but aside from that, I pretty much have to cram in water in the morning before work and then after work, after the kids leave at least.

    As for the baked stuff in the lounge? Luckily we don't have a huge problem with that unless it's around the holidays or parent-teacher conferences, but basically I decide if I want to have it. Does it look super good? Is it something I couldn't have at a different time elsewhere? If it's something that looks fantastic (like homemade cinnamon rolls made by a staff member that she brings in once in a blue moon) and I couldn't easily get elsewhere, I will have part of one. If not, I can usually pass it by.
  • vegaschristina
    vegaschristina Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a school based OT. So much easier for me to run to the lounge to when I need to access a bathroom break. Luckily, I'm not struggling as much with the stuff in the lounge. I'm looking forward to getting back into the routine tomorrow, though!
  • drabbits3
    drabbits3 Posts: 140 Member
    I am a teacher too, but I can run to the bathroom between classes or step out for a moment if I need to-I teach junior high. I keep a water bottle in my car and try to drink about a third on the way to school and the rest on the way home. All day in class I do drink green tea-we have an electric hot water kettle thing in the teacher's lounge and I make a cup first thing and then again at lunch. I have three different mugs with funny sayings on them, so the kids actually think it's funny-they like to see which mug I am using that day. Baked goods--oh my gosh-there are so many. I often decide on a Sunday that I am just NOT going to eat any of the treats in the lounge for that week no matter what they are. That helps. Also, like a poster above said-if it's crappy store bought cupcakes leftover from some first graders birthday treat, that's pretty easy to pass up. If it's the caterer mom's delicious biscotti, that I will likely have. A bunch of us keep Skinny Pop in our classrooms so we know where to go if we need a low cal snack. I do so much better on my routine. I didn't work out at all the two weeks we were off and I ate way too many goodies at home--I baked too much.