hiya... anyone from uk here?



  • prima073
    prima073 Posts: 93 Member
    Yes! Good luck with your weight loss journey :smile:
  • housejacker
    housejacker Posts: 10 Member
    im currently in my mission to lose upto 150lb... it going to be a long road ahead but slowly surely I will get there!
    Yay.... I'm from the UK I'm in need of losing around 28lbs, I'm a yoyo really need to feel strong again. Need help with motivation
    Are you sure you mean 150lbs!? That seems like a huge amount
  • from Glasgow UK x really needing motivation x feel free to add me x good luck to everyone on their journey x
  • Hi. I'm from the UK and have about 75 lbs to lose so I'll be here for a while if you want to add me. I'm up in Cumbria.
  • Frappleberry
    Frappleberry Posts: 251 Member
    Hi I'm in London, have 50lbs to lose, cheese is my mortal enemy! Add me too :smiley:
  • bluebutt3rfly
    bluebutt3rfly Posts: 21 Member
    im currently in my mission to lose upto 150lb... it going to be a long road ahead but slowly surely I will get there!
    Yay.... I'm from the UK I'm in need of losing around 28lbs, I'm a yoyo really need to feel strong again. Need help with motivation
    Are you sure you mean 150lbs!? That seems like a huge amount

    You know what after reevaluating it I have about 105lb to lose so maybe a slip of the digits there... I cant seem to add people but please feel free to add me x
  • ldixon89
    ldixon89 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, im leeann from glasgow. Feel free to add me aswell. We can motivate each other :) x
  • ldixon89
    ldixon89 Posts: 21 Member
    gabzak1 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm from Livingston and hoping to lose 60lb
    Add me if you want :):)

    Hey im from glasgow. Feel free to add me too x
  • I'm Nottingham, UK.

    Feel free to add me....i need all the encouragement I can get, lol!

    Good luck x
  • mishycat74
    mishycat74 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I'm from Leicester.

    I've lost weight and maintained before but fell off the wagon big time in the last 6 months. I'm determined to do better this year if only so I don't have to buy a whole new wardrobe.

    Good Luck on your weight loss x
  • Peacefulhooligan
    Peacefulhooligan Posts: 43 Member
    Hi I am from Consett, Co.Durham, smack bang in-between Newcastle and Durham, Good luck everyone
  • Kates8891
    Kates8891 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello I'm in Manchester looking for new friends as new to the site so feel free to add :) I have 70lbs to loose