Hello Everyone - Scotland Calling

Hi all,

My name is Steven and I'm 27 from Glasgow. I've recently joined MyFitnessPal because I'm approaching my wits end on my currently lifestyle and it needs to change. When I was younger, I was quite thin, but I ballooned quite bad at one point. I managed to lose 4.5 stone and for my height and build, I was back to being thin (I'm quite heavy set). However, over the last 6 months, I've noticed the weight slowly creeping back on.

I've joined MFP to try reset my lifestyle and find inspiration. I live alone and so don't really make healthy dinners (I go for what's easiest) and on top of that, I snack when I'm bored. I want to reset my food choices to something healthier so that my food and weight no longer controls me. I want to lose around 10 kg, which would bring me in at the lowest I've ever been and also work on being healthier.

My weight has shattered my confidence and I feel so worthless at times, so I just give in quite quickly because I feel hopeless. I want to break all this mindset, so I'm joining here to get advice and see what I can do to fix this unhealthy eating and thinking cycle.

That's about it... I think. Sorry for rambling and nice to meet you all.


  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Grrrrrrreetings. I cannae waiiiit to visit Scotland one day.
  • I wouldn't recommend it just now, it's absolutely freezing haha!
    You should definitely come visit though, it's beautiful in places and some of the cities are outstanding. I lived abroad for most of my life so when I moved home, was shocked at everything I'd been missing :smile:
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    edited December 2014
    Actually, I read your post and I have those feeling lately too although I'm 46 now and feeling like it's taking me a lot longer to fit up. Sometimes I feel worthless as well and hearing you say so helps me because then I know I'm not alone and I also know that other people have the same feelings. Hang in there Steven. Thank goodness you are only 27. If you want to add me as a friend, go ahead. I also recommend BodyBuilder.com for some really great workouts. Also check out FitnessBlender for their amazing and varied workouts. Good luck and hang in there. Aye laddie, yourrrrrre in the rrrrright place! B)
  • Jim_G10
    Jim_G10 Posts: 132
    Another Scottish person here. I am in Livingston and more than happy to have some new friends on list. Anyone can add....
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    Welcome and wishing you much success. I wanted to give you hope about the weather though, I'm in Ontario, Canada and we are covered in about 2 feet of snow with tons more on the way today. Hang in there, winter only lasts but a season (and that goes for your weight and weight loss journey as well).

  • Jennjoywolf
    Jennjoywolf Posts: 30 Member
    Hello from NY ☺
    The word reset just grabbed me this morning. That is exactly what I think I need to do as well. I know once I am eating properly and consistently making good choices, that each day, it gets easier and feels more natural. But those first few days definitely feel like a reset.
    wishing you luck and a great day. Feel good about yourself fidst and the healthy choices will be easier to make. ☺
    I am starting over as well and could also use some friends. Feel free to add!
  • ldixon89
    ldixon89 Posts: 21 Member
    Im from glasgow too feel free to add me x
  • ldixon89
    ldixon89 Posts: 21 Member
    Jim_G10 wrote: »
    Another Scottish person here. I am in Livingston and more than happy to have some new friends on list. Anyone can add....

    Feel free to add me :)
  • jack0912
    jack0912 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi.. was lucky enough to visit Scotland this past year.. beautiful.. and best of luck.on your.journey. your post.hit so many thing I feel right on the head.. I hope we are both succesfull
  • xHayley19
    xHayley19 Posts: 58 Member
    Aberdeen, feel free to add
  • Hiya I live in Aberdeenshire in a town called Ellon x feel free to add me x