Need to lose 80-100 lbs!

Holy. Hell. I've turned 40 and have spent over half of my life overweight/obese... ready for that to change!

I joined mfp years ago but never worked up the courage to build a support system or share my journey with mfp "friends"; I was convinced I could be successful going it alone. Well, that sucked.

So I'm willing to give it another shot and this time I'm going all in! I'm looking to give/receive support on this pilgrimage to a healthier lifestyle. This is no diet for me folks, I'm looking to make permanent changes!

A word of caution... it's taking every ounce of restraint to keep this initial post expletive-free (although, I suppose "hell" counts... maybe even "sucked"?) If the occasional curse word offends thee, I'm probably not one to "friend". I blame my affinity for cussing on the fact that I teach middle schoolers... call it a stress reliever ;-)

Bring it on 2015!!!


  • wmander1
    wmander1 Posts: 53 Member
    I've taught middle school, I understand! I've got about the same amount of weight to lose! You can do it!
  • cjmarie13
    cjmarie13 Posts: 3 Member
    I need to lose 30 pounds by may. I agree it has to be a lifestyle change and not just a diet. I also hate when. People say it's okay to "cheat" now and then because for me it turns into so much more and nullifies everything I had done before. You can do it! Support is key
  • KJ77493
    KJ77493 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm right there with ya girl! Let's do this!! Feel free to add me!
  • jack0912
    jack0912 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm looking forward to your posts cuss words an all.. I think on this lifestyle change we are all.aiming for most of us will let out a few cuss words too.. ;) best of luck and success
  • jack0912
    jack0912 Posts: 46 Member
    cjmarie13 wrote: »
    I need to lose 30 pounds by may. I agree it has to be a lifestyle change and not just a diet. I also hate when. People say it's okay to "cheat" now and then because for me it turns into so much more and nullifies everything I had done before. You can do it! Support is key

    Exactly what a little cheat does to me.. and then I lose a whole day because I get the idea oh well I had that piece of chocolate I might as well start again tomorrow
  • moto450
    moto450 Posts: 334 Member
    I agree. You can do it. I have lost 70 since March of 2014. At first it is the toughest, but if you keep it up it will become a habit. My biggest struggles have been getting my family on board. Once I did that it became much easier. Good luck to you! !
  • [I've lost 38 since September it was hard but worth it got 40 more to go my biggest advice is measure your body with a tape measure the scale can be a problem I didn't see it on the scale as much as I did in cloths and inches! Waist was a 40 now it's 34 hips 47 now 43 chest 44 now 38! Keep at its a life changer! You can do it I need some motivation. Myself!
  • irishprincess007
    irishprincess007 Posts: 25 Member
    Are you psychic? Lol this sounds just like my story! I just turned 34 and have approx 130lbs to lose. I joined a gym 3 weeks ago and are down 9lbs. Definitely can't do it on my own! Feel free to add me...I need accountability!
  • I am looking for friends to help keep me on track. Im a school bus driver. Nothing offends me. Im 40 and looking to lose about 100 lbs have lost 7 so far with mfp. Anyone can add me.

  • LonnieBravo
    LonnieBravo Posts: 9 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've lost 85lbs so far with MFP in the last 6 months I have about another 75lbs to go and would like to have more support to get to my goal.
  • I'd love a support group, too! I gained weight in college, successfully lost it my sophomore year, and promptly gained it all back (and then some). For the past 15 years, I've ranged 30-70 lbs over the top of my ideal weight. I turn 40 this year, and really want to get healthy. Ideally, I'd like to lose 65, but I'd be happy with 35!
  • shandi_b
    shandi_b Posts: 153 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm in the same boat as you. About to turn 40 and have been overweight / obese since my mid 20's :( I need to lose about 40kg (I think that's around the 85-90lb mark). As for cussing - doesn't bother me for the most part - being Aussie and all :p (it's just the really nasty / degrading swear words that I draw the line at) :)
  • sara17sb
    sara17sb Posts: 18 Member
    Hi there :) Gained 100lbs in my first pregnancy and never lost it (he's 13 now..). Youngest son just turned one and something clicked recently that I wanted to be healthy not just look a certain way. Nor do I want this little guy to turn 13 one day and me still be at this unhealthy weight. I have about 90lbs to lose and log every day. My husband is not the greatest support, so I love the accountability on mfp. Anyone here can add me :)