want to lose 20 pounds

I am a 5,8 male and want to let see 20 pounds if you have a tip please comment it. And if you have a estimate time of how long it will take comment that too.


  • DianePK
    DianePK Posts: 122 Member
    I'd look at losing a pound a week, so allow 20 weeks.
  • yahya997
    yahya997 Posts: 4 Member
    Ya that's what I thought too thanks. Do you Have any tips or diet plans?
  • stefanie0116
    stefanie0116 Posts: 8 Member
    Try to stay below 1400 calories a day I've lost 30 pounds need to lose another 20 as well, good luck :smile:
  • yahya997
    yahya997 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks I'll try to do that.
  • quickcrx702
    quickcrx702 Posts: 46 Member
    In my opinion don't bother with a specific diet, because it can be really hard to stick to over a long period. About all you need to do is get enough protein, eat a lot of veggies to stay full, don't eat anything from a package or wrapper, and don't drink your calories. Most of the successful diets like vegan or paleo have that in common. Calculate your BMR, eat 500 calories less than that per day, work out, and watch the weight melt off. I lost about 50lbs and got pretty ripped doing that, then I let myself go again LOL.
  • Erebekah33
    Erebekah33 Posts: 13 Member
    I agree with quickcrx702! That is the way I've done it..and it works great. I was 170 lbs at 5'4 now I'm down to 148 in about 4months ...just don't forget cardio at least 40mins to cut the fat,lift wweights to tone..or get ripped! lol men burn more fat than women..So quicker results. :)
  • so in regards to not eating anything from a package or wrapper, i just ate my first avacado straight no chaser. pretty darn good. anything else like that i have been missing out on? I am trying to find food that travels well as i am looking ahead 4 months from now when i might get lazy. lol
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    There's really nothing wrong with eating things from a package or a wrapper. Not sure why people thing there is. I eat some prepackaged foods. I also eat fresh foods. It's about balanced. You can have packaged foods...it won't hinder weigh loss or health if eaten in moderation.
  • quickcrx702
    quickcrx702 Posts: 46 Member
    jnv7594 wrote: »
    There's really nothing wrong with eating things from a package or a wrapper. Not sure why people thing there is. I eat some prepackaged foods. I also eat fresh foods. It's about balanced. You can have packaged foods...it won't hinder weigh loss or health if eaten in moderation.

    You're right, just stay within your calorie limits and you'll be okay. The reason I don't generally eat packaged foods is because they tend to be calorie dense, and low on nutrients. I end up still hungry after eating packaged foods, then eat a bunch of stuff I shouldn't. When I prepare my own food, I have trouble eating the amount of calories I need because I feel full already. I eat canned tuna sometimes, rice, beans, etc., that are all packaged, but those are one ingredient packaged foods. I'm sure you get my point, just be careful.

    so in regards to not eating anything from a package or wrapper, i just ate my first avacado straight no chaser. pretty darn good. anything else like that i have been missing out on? I am trying to find food that travels well as i am looking ahead 4 months from now when i might get lazy. lol

    Good job getting your fats in, a lot of people are scared of fats for some reason. Just be mindful of calorie intake vs your BMR. I find that hard boiled eggs are great snacks and travel well. The secret is to steam them instead of boil, and the peel comes off super easy. I just put some hot sauce when I eat maybe two or three with yolk for a snack. Another favorite of mine is eating hummus with celery. You need a high powered blender otherwise it'll start smoking and break(done it before), but the secret is to soak the beans overnight with a little bit of baking soda added to the water. Don't put too much though, or it will make the texture way too soft. Don't put too much olive oil, just enough for a smooth texture, and do the same with the tahini. Peanut butter and a touch of sesame oil works as a tahini substitute in a pinch by the way.