So much to lose, even more to gain.

Hi all, I'm a 27 year old computer technician from Australia with a Beautiful wife and (Almost) 11 month old baby girl.

I've struggled with my weight my entire life but I really have no one to blame for it but myself. I allowed myself to reach the bottom of the barrel and now I have to fight my way through it with everything that I have got.

I've tried doing this in the past but to no avail. In saying that though, I have never had as much to lose as I do now.

The most difficult thing for me to do is admit to myself and the world how low I have really gotten. It scares the hell out of me to admit it but I weighed in at 171.6Kg (378.313 Pounds) on the 1st of January this year. When I seen that on the scale I didn't fear for myself. I feared for my daughter.

I don't want her to lose her dad, her provider but most of all I don't want her to pick up my bad habits in life and go through the struggles of living uncomfortably with next to no confidence. I want more for her.

This blog entry isn't going to serve so much as an introduction but as a reminder to myself. If I ever fall off the wagon or even slightly sway I'm going to come back and read this to re-establish why I have every reason to fight.

Good luck everyone.


  • quickcrx702
    quickcrx702 Posts: 46 Member
    Hello fellow IT guy! Start off by quitting Mt. Dew and sugary energy drinks(I know you probably drink them because pretty much all of us do LOL) and drink black coffee instead to keep you awake for the long hours of work. You'd be surprised how much weight melts off when you stop drinking your calories. It's hard to lose weight when you sit at a desk all day and work long hours, I know, but YOU CAN DO IT. Good luck!
  • InspireM3World
    Thank you and yes, you have me pegged lol Thankfully I've been able to shake them fairly easily. My biggest problem was soft drinks. I've kicked all other liquids for 3 liters of water a day and 2 small coffee's.

    Thank you for the well wishes and best of luck to you also my friend :smile: