Tough year, trying to learn to treat myself the way I should. Need Friends!



  • doitnow1218
    doitnow1218 Posts: 295 Member
    You can add me as a friend both here and on fitbit //

    I would love to help encourage you and support you on this wonderful journey! Oh...and...btw...I am also a teacher! :)
  • Cinderella_82
    Cinderella_82 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Dana,
    I wish you all the best for your journey. I know it is hard to reach a goal if you have a lot of private trouble. But I think you are really motivated. You can count on my support.
  • klkudrna
    klkudrna Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Dana!!! I just sent you a request. Feel free to add me and anyone else who sees this. I'm getting back on the MFP wagon and trying hard to log everything good or bad. I Love to share stories and positive motivation!!!!
  • bookstatic
    bookstatic Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you all! I am so excited.
  • paigelyn88
    paigelyn88 Posts: 26 Member
    Feel free to add me as I have had a year that put me back to the beginning and could use and give support!
  • AuntieCeeCee
    AuntieCeeCee Posts: 22 Member
    I'm a working mom with 3 young kids, 2 that have serious health issues. My husband is an emergency department nurse and works nights so I'm left to take care of everything. I was losing weight by going to the gym and making healthy food choices for my whole family but I got burnout. Now I'm always tired and stressed which makes me eat which makes me tired and stressed, etc. I need support and would like to offer support to anybody who needs it. Feel free to add me!
  • jjw62
    jjw62 Posts: 2 Member
    Glad to hear you have decided to devote some time and energy to yourself! I'm getting back into the weight loss and exercise mode and often have a hard time staying focused and motivated amid a very busy work life. Today I looked at a book I've had for a few years, the Beck diet solution, and decided to re-read it and follow some of the suggestions. Its not so much an eating plan as a guide for managing the thinking that drives our eating habits. I'm really good at giving in or rationalizing so can use that kind of reinforcement. I like the book and the concept and am going to use it again. You might want to check into it. I think they have a website too. Good luck.
  • faerieflora
    faerieflora Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! I'm a wife and mother of 1. I weigh more now than I ever did when I was pregnant and my son is 8! It's hard because of course my husband loves me just the way that I "am" and loves to cook. I love to eat and that makes for a very bad combination. :) and because I work a desk job, and then have to come straight home to be with our son, I don't get much in for exercise. So, any help and motivation is greatly appreciated. :) we got this! :)
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    I'm a bunch of years older, but with similarities. 5'2", started at 248 lbs, now on day 738 of logging, I'm down 82.2 lbs. In 2.2 lbs I'll be "overweight" not obese, for the first time in at least 20 years. I have a Fitbit flex which gets me moving. I have PCOS as well. Oh and I'm a New Yorker - living in NC - but grew up on Long Island, and lived in Manhattan as an adult. I love this site and it gets a lot of credit for my losses. Feel free to add if you 'd like. Others can as well
  • IndependentMe
    IndependentMe Posts: 182 Member
    Please add me, we can do this.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

  • dhill_84
    dhill_84 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi! Add me if you would like :)
    I'm 31 and almost hitting 300lbs and can use all the support I can get!
  • w0den
    w0den Posts: 84
    Getting started is the hardest part and you're already there! Add me :)