Newbie at This

Hello everyone. I have heard about myfitnesspal and I decided to give it a try. Have tried WW in the past and found it difficult tracking foods because I couldn't determine their point value. I work out regularly but still need to lose around 15 pounds. I am hoping this site is easy to use and track with because what started off as five pounds to lose became 10 and now it's 15 pounds!


  • jwhisler
    The app is great. Easy to add your meals. Works wonders for me. I just have to remind myself to stay vigilant and add each meal
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Welcome!! I think you will find MFP very easy to use. Be sure to read the stickies at the top of getting started message boards. Like this one below.
  • Hmorgan2015
    Hmorgan2015 Posts: 10 Member
    I am trying to figure it all out. I just figured out how to scan foods. That is awesome and so much easier than counting points. I think I have synced my Fitbit device up but I am not too sure yet! I will look at the stickies next! Thanks
  • SCR2015
    SCR2015 Posts: 24
    Welcome! You will love it here! Feel free to add me if you want some support.
  • kittybranson
    Hi I am new and looking for motivation group . I will need support and can support you too!
  • Hmorgan2015
    Hmorgan2015 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi. Sorry it took me so
    Long to reply. I just figures out how to find my postings and the community postings! The mobile site is a bit different from the website I first logged onto! Anyway. I would love to help and support each other out! I think we all need as much encouragement my as we can get. How are you guys making out so far?
  • adelem86
    adelem86 Posts: 16 Member
    hey I have added you if you want some mutual motivation. I have a few lovely friends on here now who comment regularly. How much are you looking to lose by when?
  • lismarieeebxo
    Hello. I'm new to this, Just downloaded the iPhone app just before Christmas to keep track and stay focused on my gluten-free diet in the new year. So far I have lost 2 pounds in around a week and i love the app so far.
  • Hmorgan2015
    Hmorgan2015 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all, I am looking to lose 15-20 pounds - by June. I work out 4-5 times a week but excercise isn't cutting it for me. I have muscle and I know that weighs more but I need to lose the weight from my belly and torso.
    Lismarieeebxo - good for you for losing 2 pounds in 1 week! Do feel a difference since you went gluten-free health-wise?

    PS - how do you add friends on MFP? I can't seem to find out how to do it?
  • Hmorgan2015
    Hmorgan2015 Posts: 10 Member
    Oops. I figured out how to add friends, it appears on my computer but not my mobile app.