Looking for friends - any women out there about 5'3" and 160 lbs?



  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I am 5'4" and fluctuating between 160 and 165. I would like to get down to 135-140 again.
  • amuser2015
    amuser2015 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there.
    Day two using this fitpal & iv replied to a few people's discussions but I can't figure out how to add people!
    Can you add me
    Looking for motivation & support.

    Currently.on my third attempt in losing the thirty pounds over past nine years. At age sixteen I lost 30 lbs in five.months by eating healthy and exercising every single day. I kept it off for three years then I went to university and gained forty.pounds in the four years. Reaching almost 180. Then I slowly lost ten pounds over the next year or so then one night while laying there feel in my gut I said enough is enough and I went from 164 to 129lbs in about four months and kept it off for almost three years!! I felt amazing & met my fiance & over the past year iv gotten back up to 158lbs. I feel.so upset after I worked so hard.
    . I was almost running seven k a day. My goal 10 k run & 129 lbs. My wedding is eight months away!!
    day 2,, here I go!!!!!!!
    please add mee
  • PrairieSlims
    PrairieSlims Posts: 42 Member
    Just starting back. We can overcome this weight loss challenge.
  • RubyLou25
    RubyLou25 Posts: 212 Member
    You can add me. I 5'4 and started at 215. Made it down to 145, but now I'm back around 160. Ready to lose it again.
  • I am 5'5 164 lbs . I started at 196. You can add me
  • josieclaire1
    josieclaire1 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Maria, I'm 5 ft. 3 inches. Just starting again. I've lost 3 and 1/2 lbs. since Jan. 1. Doing the Natasha Turner's The Carb Sensitivity Program. Feeling great and so far no cravings. You can friend me if you like.
  • add me! I am 5'3 and 160lbs. Want to get to 125 lbs for my wedding in July :)
  • cmsincla
    cmsincla Posts: 41 Member
    5'3" and 160lbs trying to get to 145. I also use Fitbit
  • Petzwv
    Petzwv Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'4" and down to 140 from 170 when I started in Sept. My goal 125ish I have been logging every day since I started. I'm also 57 if that matters :-)
  • ViolaLeeBlueberry
    ViolaLeeBlueberry Posts: 182 Member
    Hi there,

    Those were pretty much my stats when I started in Sept ... they've changed! :smile:

    I'm 5 ft 2 or thereabouts, SW was 158, currently at 139 ... we eat what I guess you could call an accidentally semi-Paleoesque diet, in that it's heavy on protein, seasonal, from scratch, relatively low-carb, lots of nuts and seeds, etc.

    I log every day and have a food diary that's open to friends ... It keep me accountable, and has definitely been key for me in making this whole thing a success so far! (Knock on wood.)

  • Pls feel free to add me, I am 5"3 and weigh 152...I would love to get back down to 132 again!

    It would be great to motivate each other...
  • thinlynn2357
    thinlynn2357 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Maria
    I am 5'4" and currently weigh 186. I lost 35lbs last year but unfortunately gained 15 back in the last 9 months because I stopped running and consistently exercising. Looking to lose that 15 plus another 20. The running was definatly what took the weight off the last time. I live in Western NY so can sympathize with the cold, snowy weather. Treadmill is a good substitute especially if you are just starting out. I used the couch to 5K program before and am going to start with that again. Good Luck! Please add me as a friend as well
  • hazleyes81
    hazleyes81 Posts: 296 Member
    I'm 5'4"-ish (quarter inch under) and started at 163 in the beginning of November. I'm at around 143 now and looking to get my bf% down to 16-17% so I have another ~13 pounds to go. Feel free to add me. I eat Low Carb High Fat, run, bike, and lift.
  • mjcrothers
    mjcrothers Posts: 59 Member
    Hi, Maria. I'm 5ft2 and 161pounds. Feel free to add me!
  • Reeder2B
    Reeder2B Posts: 10 Member
    Hi I am exactly the same as you, I'm 5'3" and 163lbs, I want to ideally get down to 140lbs in the next 10months.

    I am doing the whole "new year new me" thing from today and will be trying to go to the gym more so that I can be a little less strict with the food if I need to be.

    I have sent you a friends request :)
  • dawnieb86
    dawnieb86 Posts: 3 Member
    Good Morning! I am 5'5" and 160 as of this morning. I am not the best with entering food, but I am working on it for a 90 day work challenge, but I am good at motivation and also looking for new friends to go through the journey with. And I am from Michigan originally, now living in South Carolina :) Add me if you like!
  • ohmgetsfit
    ohmgetsfit Posts: 22 Member
    Good morning! Just friend requested a few of you with similarities to me. I'm back in again. MFP helped me to lose 60 lbs since Feb '13, but I fell off the wagon 6 mo ago and gained 20 (gag!). I'm feeling sluggish and crappy and need to kick myself back into again! I am in it to win it baby! I'm 35, 5'3 and currently 155.5 would LOVE friends who are similar or have similar goals etc..I'm a busy mom and eat about 1200..exercise is a BIG challenge for me! Message me! :)
  • shannonstube
    shannonstube Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'4 and trying to get from 175 to 140. I added you, but wanted to post here to say that anyone else in this thread can add me too if you'd like.
  • Vanilla_Lattes
    Vanilla_Lattes Posts: 251 Member
    That was my start weight, but I'm 5'2. Feel free to add me!
  • 5'4.5" (yes that 1/2 inch is important haha) and 164.6 lbs. Add if you want :)
  • You can add me if you want. I'm 5'3"-5'4" and around 180 right now. Trying to get started again and back to 149 eventually.. I will be happy to see 160 again. Portion sizes!!!!
  • You can add me, I am 40 years old and my height is 4"11 and I weigh around 166lbs! My goal is 130. I've got there before and gained it all back but I joined MFP today to help me get there again and stay at 130lbs.
  • KellyAnnCormier
    KellyAnnCormier Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5.4 and at 170, looking to get to 145 :) feel free to add me :)
  • ChristyB1117
    ChristyB1117 Posts: 51 Member
    I would love new friends! I am between 5/3 and 5/4, currently 174 but hope to be in the 160s soon with a goal in the 140s!
  • jaceyright
    jaceyright Posts: 4 Member
    Add me, I am 5'3 and 170 looking to get back down to 145
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    5'4.5" and last weigh in I was 159lbs.
  • jessakittyis
    jessakittyis Posts: 159 Member
    I'm 5'1" so you got me beat! Lol. After the holidays I am up to 163 so now is the perfect time to friend me! I log almost every day and I cook a lot so I hope my diary can inspire you.
  • TashaSc82
    TashaSc82 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello! I'm 5'3 and ballooned up to 200 as of yesterday...Lost 35lbs and working to take it back off and more...Goal is 145....Feel free to add me and good luck on your journey.
  • court_fritch26
    court_fritch26 Posts: 297 Member
    I'm 5'1" and 167…so closeish
  • Hi i would like to be friends ive lost over 100lbs over ten years with just exercise and diet alone i love running also that helped alot i do dvd cardio strenght trainin im 5'3 146 lbs... would like more friends you and other ladies can add me if you like my diary is open