Struggling to find motivation second time around

I used myfitnesspal at the beginning of 2012 and went from 170 to145 pounds. I kept it off for a while but recently things have been slipping and I got on the scales for the first time in a while after my gluttonous Christmas and am back up to 154. I’d like to get down to 140 this time.

I started this morning but for some reason am already feeling demotivated and like it’s all pointless. I know intellectually that it worked for me before and I know how horrible I felt at 170 pounds and really don’t want to end up there again but I just can’t seem to motivate myself.

Can anyone relate to this?


  • Annieapple12
    Annieapple12 Posts: 122 Member
    Not 2012, 2013
  • SpleenThief
    SpleenThief Posts: 293 Member
    I'm with you. In 2005 I was creeping up on 300 lbs. Lost 100 pounds and have gained 70 back. One day, one good choice at a time. What's your general plan of attack?
  • lorrimvill17
    Your right it is hard to get motivated. I had a stroke and then suffered depression and gained weight.Other weightloss programs didn't work although I generally eat less than 1000 calories a day. So now I'm trying the fast diet 5:2. Only started 1st jan and have lost pounds already. It needs to be a plan you can stick to for life coz when you start eating more you gain weight. Make small changes you could do for ever. Good luck. :)
  • ohmgetsfit
    ohmgetsfit Posts: 22 Member
    Yes! Absolutely! MFP saved me and I was able to drop 60 lbs! But I fell off the wagon over the last 6mo and gained 20 :( yesterday was he first day I got in a decent step count AND ate under my 1200. We can do it!
  • sherrymoyle
    sherrymoyle Posts: 6 Member
    I understand you completely! Lost 20 pounds and have seen put 10 back on. I weigh 220 now and after having 4 kids I just can't get motivated. All I want to do is sleep!
  • Annieapple12
    Annieapple12 Posts: 122 Member
    My plan of attack is to net 1400 calories a day including eating back exercise calories as worked out by mfp. This approach worked really well for me before, even though I wasn’t as strict as I should have been really. I did the 30 day shred last time so I might do that again. I am also going to start cycling to work again once my bike lights have arrived.

    I generally have a rule that no food is barred as long as it fits into my calories (although obviously my calories go further if I eat more fruits and veggies and lean means etc.). I think mfp helped me as it stopped my mindless eating and encouraged me to move more. Little things like getting off the tube a couple of stops earlier are a lot easier to do if you can see that you are burning calories.
  • MouseFood
    MouseFood Posts: 169 Member
    Starting all over here, at my highest yet. 194 lb. I am so tired of failing over and over again. I was fit and thin in 2008 and I WANT THAT BACK.
  • greaseswabber
    greaseswabber Posts: 238 Member
    I'm exactly where you are plus one week. I lost 40 lbs in 2012 and 13. In the last 18 months I've gained back 30. In that time I almost never logged a complete day. I knew I needed to log, that it was the one thing that separated success from failure. But I was completely burned out on it.

    Then, one week ago, I logged a whole day. It wasn't efficient because I did most of it from memory that night. It probably wasn't terribly accurate. But it was logged. I did the same thing the next day. More accurately this time. Now I'm on day 8. I'm almost back to normal. The food scale is coming out for every meal. I just need to get back to pre logging to be at maximum logging efficiency.

    Don't worry about what your eating yet, or how much. Just log it. Get it in. The routine, the conscious eating, and everything else will follow.
  • debbysatit
    debbysatit Posts: 125 Member
    Greaeswabber, great advice! I too am trying to make 2015 the year of change. I think logging is key and often did not get that done. I maybe entered one meal. I would beat myself up and then try again and can't answer why I didn't do the whole day but did not and again beat myself up. Your words inspire me...yes I did have success because I at least logged part of a day. I am going to make a short term goal for the week of logging one meal per day and if I do more then I have attained more than my goal and should feel proud of that.
  • dianalee2015
    Yes! Reaching out is a great step! I agree with the person above who encouraged you to start by logging your food intake. That is a start and the rest will fall into place.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    not working out and eating right because you aren't motivated = not working out and eating right cause you don't wanna.

    you don't wanna = not a good enough reason to break the promises you made yourself.
  • Annieapple12
    Annieapple12 Posts: 122 Member
    Don’t you just love the way they all come at once.
    Was thinking about the gas bill. I get paid on 25th and if we one now I don’t think it will be due before then anyway. I can pay it when I get paid and then wait til you get paid for your bit.