
Hello, wanted to take a moment to introduce myself.
My name is Michael an I just found this site today which is great because I just started my......diet....today!
I'm a 30 year old guy living in Illinois and this is my 9,000th attempt at loosing weight! No,but really...Ive tried a lot. This time, I'm hoping and praying that it sticks. I think it will because I feel totally different about this time than I have any other time Ive tried to lose weight. I realized that I can no longer blame my weight and poor diet habits on people or hurts from the post. I have to own my body and no longer let things control it.
I also realized that since I'm 30...my body cant handle the extra weight like it could maybe when I was younger.

I am currently weighing in at 375 and I'm 6'
My ultimate goal is to get down to 200

Anyways, just wanted to introduce myself and tell my story.


  • jack0912
    jack0912 Posts: 46 Member
    Best of luck.michael :)
  • bonnie65738
    bonnie65738 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Michael. I am right here with you. I have tried many times to lose weight. I did lose weight and gained it back. I have to get my weight off to feel better about myself.feel free to add me to your friends. Maybe we can encourage each other.