Candida sufferer , help!



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Garlic clove. Sew a string in it for easier extraction.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    My doctor has me on fluconazole (diflucan) long-term due to recurring yeast infections. I started off taking one pill three times per week and now I just take one per week. I don't have to take pre-biotics, eat a punch of yogurt, or shove garlic up in there anymore, so it seems to be working.

    As for the guy, forget that dude. I have a rare vulvar skin disorder that took FOREVER to get properly diagnosed. It was so painful I had to wear granny panties and sweatpants for months. Even soft cotton rubbing up against it as I walked was extremely painful. I couldn't have intercourse for nearly 6 months and my husband never complained even though he's got a very high sex drive. I remember telling my mother-in-law about it and her saying, "that poor guy!" Uh, what?! I'm the one in a constant state of pain over here. I told him about it and he said, "That's what my right hand is for. We're not doing anything to make it worse just because I'm horny. I just want you to get better." That's what a man does - the guy that left you was clearly still a boy.
  • Boric Acid. Google it. You'll thank me later :-)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    go to a gynecologist. I have problems like this whenever I go on antibiotics and I mention it everytime I am prescribed antibiotics. I always am given a pill (can't remember the name) a one time dose and its done. The creams are a pain, messy and take forever and even then they do not always work. I was always told to eat yogurt and drink cranberry juice not sure if it works or helps. I have never been refused by my doctor for a prescription and have never had a doctor recommend over the counter. Even if my general practioner tries to prescribe me a prescription cream I just call my gyno and she calls me in the pill.
  • KGRebelRanch
    KGRebelRanch Posts: 109 Member
    apple cider vinegar. I get candida under my arms and across my inner thighs almost every year. cut out the refined carbs, it helps a lot, and apply ACV directly to the rash twice a day and leave it on (the smell goes away as it dries). it itches like hell, but mine usually goes away in about three days. Also, AZO makes a probiotic/yeast pill, I take two a day while I have symptoms.
  • missallenxox
    missallenxox Posts: 175 Member
    edited December 2014
    i had no idea i had this problem.. candida overgrowth. i guess its in my entire system. I've suffered from insane bloating.. eat anything and boom. huge belly. especially with bread or pasta..i am very sensitive in my lady parts.. very sensitive pH. get yeast infections very easily. Especially on birth control, or antibiotics.i would get eczema outbreaks on my hands, puffy face. well i just started taking a natural supplement called "candidastop"..basically kills it off and back to a normal range. and a supporting probiotic. I've only been on it 2 days and i notice a huge difference. its a shame my drs over the years threw medications at me and didn't even bother testing this issue.
  • Stitch_down_carbs
    Stitch_down_carbs Posts: 52 Member
    450ccPLZ wrote: »
    i had no idea i had this problem.. candida overgrowth. i guess its in my entire system. I've suffered from insane bloating.. eat anything and boom. huge belly. especially with bread or pasta..i am very sensitive in my lady parts.. very sensitive pH. get yeast infections very easily. Especially on birth control, or antibiotics.i would get eczema outbreaks on my hands, puffy face. well i just started taking a natural supplement called "candidastop"..basically kills it off and back to a normal range. and a supporting probiotic. I've only been on it 2 days and i notice a huge difference. its a shame my drs over the years threw medications at me and didn't even bother testing this issue.

    I also have the same problem , I get loads of rashes and get yeast infections every couple of weeks. I have lowered my carbs alot, it seems to be helping but its too early to tell. I have heard of Candidastop, I started taking coconut oil supplements today and they may be quite similar, so I guess another thing to try if these don't work.

    Doctors are like that. Just say you have thrush but don't really give a sustainable solution to the problem.
  • Stitch_down_carbs
    Stitch_down_carbs Posts: 52 Member
    My doctor has me on fluconazole (diflucan) long-term due to recurring yeast infections. I started off taking one pill three times per week and now I just take one per week. I don't have to take pre-biotics, eat a punch of yogurt, or shove garlic up in there anymore, so it seems to be working.

    As for the guy, forget that dude. I have a rare vulvar skin disorder that took FOREVER to get properly diagnosed. It was so painful I had to wear granny panties and sweatpants for months. Even soft cotton rubbing up against it as I walked was extremely painful. I couldn't have intercourse for nearly 6 months and my husband never complained even though he's got a very high sex drive. I remember telling my mother-in-law about it and her saying, "that poor guy!" Uh, what?! I'm the one in a constant state of pain over here. I told him about it and he said, "That's what my right hand is for. We're not doing anything to make it worse just because I'm horny. I just want you to get better." That's what a man does - the guy that left you was clearly still a boy.

    Glad to hear you have a good partner. :) I will forget him, you are right, he is still a boy.

    Thank you for the advice and glad you got your rare disorder diagnosed.
  • goddessofawesome
    goddessofawesome Posts: 563 Member
    You need to take pre and pro biotics. And not just until your issue goes away but all the time.
  • I agree with the Diflican. Here in Canada, we are able to get it without a prescription, but I would still go see your doctor, you may need more then one dose. As for th coconut oil you can also use it internally, I use it as a personal lubricant as regular lubes seemed to be causing my yeast infections have not had one for over a year. But please do your own reasearch.
  • brandileeg
    brandileeg Posts: 3 Member
    Just a few quick things...and let me preface this by saying I am not a medical professional, dietician or even really that smart. Just been doing a lot of research on candida.

    My understanding is that getting rid of candida is done in stages. First, you have to kill it off by starving it (not eating sugar, flour or processed foods) and going on an anti-fungal treatment (like garlic, black walnut hulls, grapefruit seed extract, caprylic acid, etc.).

    Then, the next phase is to reintroduce probiotics (good bacteria) into the system. From my brief research, I also understand that you can get different probiotics for different things. You can get one for your gut or one for your lady parts (see Fem-Dophilus for vag Ph issues on amazon and read the reviews).

    Lastly, you are not supposed to take an anti-fungal at the same time as you are taking a probiotic. Seems it may be too confusing for our bodies.
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    I had a horrible double ear infection and was prescribed antibiotics. I got a horrific yeast infection and from then on, got one every month for over 6 months. I tried everything, prescription, yogurt, OTC remedies, everything. (It wasn't related to my cycle b/c I had a hysterectomy) I ended up cutting out gluten from my diet and havent had another infection since. :) HTH
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    Just my advice, diflucan never worked for me. I was even given a double dose once.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Sol_noir wrote: »
    Hi guys

    So ever since I took an antibiotic for a rash, I have suffered getting Candida infections over the past few years. I'm pretty sure it's been a big cause of my former partner leaving me. I also think this condition may be causing other synptoms I have that are being mistaken for allergies.

    Has anybody had the same problem, are there any good tips for fighting it off apart from creams and probiotic yoghurt?

    Is there any foods I should just stay well clear of, or ones I should eat all the time?

    Many thanks for any advice given in advance.

    You're probably not having "candida" problems, unless you're having constant yeast infections, and then it's a good time to sit down with a doctor and resolve it.

    If you're having real fungal problems, you'll need to take an anti-fungal for a couple months and resolve it. Cutesie little yogurt cups won't fix it.
  • try to avoid excess dairy and processed sugar if you can, also try eating seaweed or taking seaweed type supplements which can be found on swansons website, probiotics of course as noted above and also research a good probiotic pill you have to make sure it has a good coating if not the acid in your stomach will destroy most of it before it has a chance to be absorbed by your body I was told, also try taking detox baths once a week, there are some good ones that require just fresh ginger or the epsom salt, baking soda, and sea salt mixture. Also naturally detox your body by eating more greens and and what not there is also good detox programs out there that will help with that such as renuherbs and elemis spa one, elemis spa is very expensive though renuherbs is by far more affordable
  • leena31
    leena31 Posts: 14 Member
    I had this Problem for years. I would get a yeast infection and it would then turn into a bacterial Infection. It got so bad that sometimes I would have both at the same time. I was given Diflucan 1x a week orally and antibacterial/ Vitamin c Tablets to insert for 6 weeks. Finally it went away. So find a new gyn that will take you seriously.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Try a new doctor.
  • Stitch_down_carbs
    Stitch_down_carbs Posts: 52 Member
    450ccPLZ wrote: »
    i had no idea i had this problem.. candida overgrowth. i guess its in my entire system. I've suffered from insane bloating.. eat anything and boom. huge belly. especially with bread or pasta..i am very sensitive in my lady parts.. very sensitive pH. get yeast infections very easily. Especially on birth control, or antibiotics.i would get eczema outbreaks on my hands, puffy face. well i just started taking a natural supplement called "candidastop"..basically kills it off and back to a normal range. and a supporting probiotic. I've only been on it 2 days and i notice a huge difference. its a shame my drs over the years threw medications at me and didn't even bother testing this issue.

    Doctors are like that these days, do not really test things at all, even if you persist for ages.

    I'm thankful for everyones advise on this issue. I have been taking two coconut oil capsules a day and drink pro biotic drinks. The coconut oil has seems to be doing the trick so far.