Doing it different this time

Hi everyone! I have done this whole song and dance several times over the last few years and every time I start to make progress, life comes up and hits me hard. I've gone from a stressed out nursing student, to an unemployed college grad, and now having pretty much my dream job. I've lost my father recently, and had many family ups and downs. I had extreme highs and devastating lows in 2014 and I'm ready to put them behind me.
It's only been 5 days in but 2015 already has a better feel to it. I have decided to make a lot of changes in my life as far as who I allow in and how I'm choosing to view things. I'm excited to have joined Camp Gladiator which I start tomorrow and am terrified of but in a good way.

My overall weight loss goal is 156lbs. I want to do it right this time. I want to do it for myself and for the right reasons. I want to be realistic and positive and above anything I want to start living like the person I know I am.

Has anyone else tried and failed and tried and failed and tried and failed like me? (actually, lets not say failed, lets just say tried and learned a way not to loose weight, tried and learned another way not to loose weight and so on...)

If so, what are you doing different this time?

Thank you all for listening! Happy New Year and Good Luck to us all!


  • Amiraxxxxxx
    I'm a yo-yoer too. I'm going to stick to it this year and try to eat healthier and do this 10000 steps thingy, what gets me is the alcohol and takeaways so I'm going cold year fresh start
  • endogirrl
    I've gone up and down all my life. I always wanted to lose weight for a better body. This Time for me it's about my health. Good luck ladies!
  • mrslaurajjones
    mrslaurajjones Posts: 2 Member
    We are at similar places, except I started Camp Gladiator 1 year ago in December. When I started I was 200 lbs & a size 16. I haven't been perfect, but I've stuck with it at least 3x/ week, and tried to make better food choices, and am currently at 175 & a size 10, trying to get down to about 160 evenutally.

    If I can share any advice about CG bootcamp, judge progress by your size/ shape changing, not always the scale. You will gain muscle. This will then help you burn your fat better. But the scale won't always go down as fast. Also, make sure you eat enough to that you don't lose lean muscle mass.

    If you stay with CG, check out the nutrition challenge next time it comes around (one is currently going on). That has really helped me learn to eat better and know how may calories my body requires. Also, talk with your trainers for advice. the CG trainers are really supportive and want to help you. many of them are certified nutritionists or similar healthy backgrounds.
  • nineateseven
    nineateseven Posts: 65 Member
    Love your perspective!! And yes, I've been there with trying and learning lessons and trying again. One of my favorite quotes is the Japanese proverb, "Fall down seven times, stand up eight." It doesn't matter how many times you fall down, what matters is how many times you pick yourself back up. My other favorite quote is from Ghandi, "Strength does not come from physical capacity, it comes from an indomitable will." I think those of us who go through ups and downs develop an incredible amount of courage every time we choose to try again.

    I'd love to be buddies. Your outlook is exactly where I am this year. In 2013, I had some success, but 2014 was a crap year with crazy health stuff. This year, I want to work with my body to be who I know I am. I want health and strength.

    Good luck!
    - Michele