Day 1, 30 lbs to go.

anichellek Posts: 20 Member
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! I'm excited to be back to the welcoming and usually a titch sarcastic arms of MFP. I've been maintaining my current weight for the last year, but am ready to take it to the next level: ultimate dream goal weight. T minus 30 lbs. I'd love to connect with people who are supportive but honest. I occasionally need reality checks since I'm a master at rationalization. Feel free to add me and let's get down to business.



  • How do I add you I'm trying to loose 20lbs by march and can use some motivation! !! I lost 10 pounds in a month before, but gained it all back and more.
  • anichellek
    anichellek Posts: 20 Member
    edited January 2015
    I just added you ☺
    Flower3785 wrote: »
    How do I add you I'm trying to loose 20lbs by march and can use some motivation! !! I lost 10 pounds in a month before, but gained it all back and more.

  • Thanks :)
  • razvwendt
    razvwendt Posts: 9 Member
    I don't know how to add someone either, can you share how to add someone? :#
  • anichellek
    anichellek Posts: 20 Member
    edited January 2015
    I do it in the app, click on friends then the + sign.

    Consider yourself added!
  • I have just decided to set a definitive goal and work towards being as healthy as ever! Go team!
  • Same goal here and would also love the motivation. How do I add you?