I eat way to much

7tinders Posts: 17 Member
I don't know how to eat less it is killing me


  • Same here :neutral_face:
  • 7tinders
    7tinders Posts: 17 Member
    I am trying to loose weight but lord it's just kicking me in the butt
  • Me too i got over 100lbs to lose. every year i always say "this year i will lose weight" but always fail ughh..... i love food and soda haha hate this
  • 7tinders
    7tinders Posts: 17 Member
    I need to loose 30. I just started but omg it's hard and every time I try to loose weight I quit because it's so hard
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,242 MFP Moderator
    Don't worry about losing weight right now if you're having trouble. Just commit to logging EVERYTHING you eat and drink. Do that for a few weeks, and you'll find yourself making different choices just because you don't want to see lots of calories over your target in your food journal.

    If you can commit to logging everything you eat, you WILL lose weight. That's how I started. I made a commitment to log. Nothing more. The first day or two was really eye-opening. I had no idea how much I was eating on a regular basis. After a few weeks I began making better choices. A few weeks later I started dropping pounds. It took me more than 2 years, but I lost all my excess weight, and the only actual 'dieting' decision I made was to log as honestly and accurately as possible.

    You CAN do this. Start with small changes, even if that means doing nothing but being honest with yourself at first. :flowerforyou:
  • 7tinders
    7tinders Posts: 17 Member
    Awww thanks so much davis_em I really appreciate that :D
  • 7tinders
    7tinders Posts: 17 Member
    I totally feel ur pain on food and soda:'(
  • irejuvenateme
    irejuvenateme Posts: 96 Member
    I would echo davis_em. One other thought, can you try to eat something healthy before the "other" stuff? That way you are least getting nutritious food in first. For example maybe have some yogurt and fruit before hitting the dessert, or have some non-fried vegetable with fried food if you are having fried food?
    Sometimes I think we worry too much about what we can't eat rather than what we should focus on in terms of healthy food...

    The fact is you are here on MFP - that's a great start!

    Good luck.
  • 7tinders
    7tinders Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks bunches :D:)
  • HockeyGoalie35
    HockeyGoalie35 Posts: 84 Member
    I am the same way. I usually ate in quantity not quality. I would always be looking for the full feeling after every meal. It's a habit, and habits can be made and broken. There is nothing you can do but tough it out until your body adjusts or you are right back where you started.
  • 7tinders
    7tinders Posts: 17 Member
    Yeah I am trying my best to tough it out :\
  • HockeyGoalie35
    HockeyGoalie35 Posts: 84 Member
    tonight i came home from work, made my dinner, did my workout, packed my lunch, and now i want to eat again! I'm going to use one of my hobbies "video games" to distract myself till bed.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Log everything. Then start looking where you can make replacements. Trade out any empty calories for more filling foods. Look for things that leave you hungry and find a filling swap. For example - cold cereal usually leaves me starving. Oatmeal will keep me full much longer. Cookies will leave me hungry 20 minutes later but a protein bar with the same calories will keep me full for hours.
  • 7tinders
    7tinders Posts: 17 Member
    Hockeygoalie 35 I totally feel u I came home did my workout unpacked my stuff and then ate dinner and guess what I am hungry :(
  • 7tinders
    7tinders Posts: 17 Member
    Ready2rock206 I am Startin to do that now :o
  • daniel9797
    daniel9797 Posts: 32 Member
    I have lost 30 pounds with 140 left to lose. I eat anything I want, just in moderation. I agree with the above statements, just log everything you eat and after a few weeks things will start to change. I logged for 4 months before I lost any weight. You can do this!
  • jenniferguson14
    jenniferguson14 Posts: 3 Member
    Fill up on fruits and vegetables. I lost the most weight just by eating fruits and veggies whenever I felt like eating. I had never tried fresh cherries, blueberries, or blackberries before, but now they are a go to whenever I feel like eating. I also never told myself I couldn't have ranch to dip veggies or marshmallow creme to dip fruits in. I figured a few tablespoons of that stuff is still better than the snack cake or ice cream I could have easily eaten instead. Also, I pretty much exercise so I can eat. This website combined with an exercise tracker are great tools. Maybe you aren't getting enough calories if you aren't tracking it with an actual tracker? There is some good advice on this thread, I hope you find advice that works for you! Good luck!
  • 7tinders
    7tinders Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks everybody u all are such a huge help :)<3:D
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    edited January 2015
    How many calories are you eating? Also, do you exercise? If the typical issues with most noobs is they tend to be low on fats and protein (upping will increase satiety and keep you full longer), they choose aggressive weight loss goals (most default at 2 lbs a week without realizing that is too much for 30 lbs) or they exercise and don't follow the MFP model where you should eat back exercise calories. BTW, below are general guidelines.

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.
  • unrulysherlock
    unrulysherlock Posts: 19 Member
    This app has made me realize that I can still eat large portions that are low in calories and fat. For example, I made a wrap yesterday, I sauteed asparagus, cauliflower and red pepper, tossed in an egg to hold it all together, added a dose of sriracha (i like spicy). It was HUGE and only 160 calories! And all those veggies kept me full for a while. It was delicious!