Any 20+ years old and wanting to lose around 20lbs?



  • desika8787
    desika8787 Posts: 99 Member
    Hey there! I am 27 y.o. and I've lost about 30lbs so far - still 10 to go! I know it is not a lot of weight but the great thing is that I haven't changed too much in my life to reach it. I tried out a lot of fancy diets, products and so on... But as some of you already said: the simple things are the most successful ones. :-) Keep up your great work and feel free to add me, message me etc. Would be wonderful to have some buddies who are on the same path :-)
  • Zazzles2906
    Zazzles2906 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I'm Gemma. 24 years old, 5'5 and weigh 168lbs. To start with I would like to lose 28lbs. Feel free to add me.
  • goldie19876
    goldie19876 Posts: 10 Member
    I just turned 27 and am trying to lose 20 lbs before my wedding in July
  • aaguia
    aaguia Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm Ali. I'm 165 pounds, 5'3 and I would like to lose 15 pounds by my birthday in April and 20-30 pounds by July or August. I would love to hear and share any at home or gym workouts! I feel fairly new to MFP because the last couple of times I've tried to use it have been inconsistent. This time I want to stick around and I think having some friends wouldn't hurt! :) Feel free to add me! :)
  • Parsons88
    Parsons88 Posts: 12 Member
    Going to be 27 at the end of the month. Want to lose 20 all together. Starting with 10. Add me for accountability!
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Hi there! I'm 19, a first year student at university (in England) who also has PCOS. I've lost 41lbs with another 30lbs to go. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • BrittanyJenAnn
    BrittanyJenAnn Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 24, and a wife and mother. I'm aiming for about 20lbs, major wake up call for me a few weeks ago when I realized my shirts don't fit anymore...
    I'm struggling with giving up soda. Argh.
  • Acewisdom40
    Acewisdom40 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi im lee im 32 from the uk and looking to loose 22ibs me please :)
  • plbazer
    plbazer Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 28 and I'm looking to lose 25 pounds.
  • wolfy500
    wolfy500 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 23 and after having 2 kids I kinda let my eating habbits go bad. I want to lose 30-40lbs. I also have hypothyroidism. I am starting a low calorie, low carb diet and exercising 4-5days a week. I need people to keep me motivated and share recipes and such :-) add me if interested
  • malexa220022
    malexa220022 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 26 and just graduated, now working full-time. I'm looking to lose around 25 lbs total by the end of this year. I'm trying hard to keep my MFP logging streak up, and am trying hard to incorporate exercise 3-5 times per week. Feel free to add me for accountability, and heckle me if I get too off track! :smile:
  • YumYum72808
    YumYum72808 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 25, and I'm trying to lose 10-15 pounds. I want to enlist in the Airforce but I need to shed a few pounds in order to do so. I'm in search of people to keep me motivated because I have none around me. Please add me if you're interested!! :-)