Determined but have bad knees need exersize advice

I am determined to reach my goal in 2015 but need some help with suggestions on exersizes I can do with bad knees, I tolerate the pain in them but don't want to add damage any suggestions?


  • serasv
    serasv Posts: 56 Member
    I would suggest swimming, it's easy on the joints and it burns a lot of calories.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    Swimming is great. Also, using the treadmill on a low speed with no incline may help as well.
    Firsthand though, you want to consult with a doctor. Given that you have a medical condition, you shouldn't begin exercising without a doctor's input.
  • Mrcoffeebean
    Mrcoffeebean Posts: 2 Member
    Maybe invest in some kettle bells, start with the lightest one, hook your foot through it, sit on a chair and start slowly moving your leg up and down, swap legs. Once you start to feel ok with the lightest move up to the next, over time it will feel better.
  • NickCricklade
    NickCricklade Posts: 1 Member
    Swimming would be best. If you're able to, a cross-trainer would have less impact than a treadmill. Good luck.
  • Firefly0606
    Firefly0606 Posts: 366 Member
    Lift weights. You can work a number of areas all over your body. Also you can start light with what you can tolerate on your knees and build up as your strength increases in your legs and all over your body. Get some guidance though, a good gym where instructors will show you how to lift properly, or a personal trainer.
  • DianePK
    DianePK Posts: 122 Member
    edited January 2015
    I am waiting for a knee replacement, so exercise is tough as I have severe (grade 4) chrondromalacia in my medial compartment (basically no cartilage left on my knee so it's bone on bone). I have to take pain killers to exercise, which I do in the mornings, using a crosstrainer for 30 minutes and the stationery bike for 30 minutes. Because it strengthens the muscles supporting the knee joint it's a good thing and losing weight is also good for the knees.

    From my experience the best thing to do with bad knees is to build up the supporting muscles such as the gluts and get good physio.

    I'd avoid running, squats and lunges - they are just grinding down the joint.

    Generally the problem with most people's knees is patello-femoral mal-alignment, which is why stationery cycling is good as it is non-weight bearing and tones the bottom and the VMO.

    FYI I was told to swim but fee horrible in a swimsuit so avoided it studiously : )
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Depends what "bad knees" mean!
    Tolerating pain sounds extremely dodgy and possibly counter productive.

    Strength / resistance training but there may be some exercises you can't or shouldn't do depending on what "bad knees" really means (do you have a diagnosis?).
    A general rule is strong quads tend to help knees.

    Another general rule is avoiding impact is a good idea with cartilage problems - running on a hard surface for example.
    For instability issues (ligament damage for example) then controlled movements are better - cycling, rowing, elliptical...

    It comes back to what is actually wrong and what your limitations are.
    I've got extremely bad knees (lost a cartilage, lost a cruciate ligament, old patella fracture, significant laxity in two other ligaments) but can cycle over 100 miles and do heavy weights.
    On the other hand I can't run any great distance, can't squat or lunge.

  • Ainesilver
    Ainesilver Posts: 72 Member
    I have bad knees, bone grinding against bone. I walk at least 3 to 5+ miles a day. I also use an incline exercise bike, but break that up into 15-20 minute intervals. It took me about a year to work up to my current level of both walking and biking.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    edited January 2015
    Google 'seated exercise,' 'chair tai chi,' and the like and you'll find lots of stuff -- especially youtube videos.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    stationary bike, elliptical (no more than 30 minutes), walking on a non concrete/dirt track, swimming, leg lifts and other lying down strengthening exercises.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Also take some ibuprofen 30 minutes before starting your workout
  • :) I want to thank everyone for the great advise and to clarify what I meant by "bad knees" my diagnosis is Osteoarthritis my knees are almost bone to bone. I love to swim and see by the suggestions it will be my best bet
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    Water sports, crunches, situps, arm workouts. Core.
    Welcome back! :)
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    Wait.. You're in Vegas?! ME TOO!!! :D
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm arthritic too and my knees are quite degraded inside. They make crackling noises going up and down the stairs. It squicks me out hearing them.
  • hismercyis
    hismercyis Posts: 1
    edited January 2015
    I am 57 and have both knees replaced. The advice to swim for now I think is your best option, or is my opinion. You will still be moving your legs so you may feel some discomfort afterwards so please use ice for swelling and heat at times and yes, Ibuprophen if you can. Work on your upper body strength. It will help you after surgery. Best wishes for you. I have been there and it is a long haul in recovery.

    On the upside, I lost 25 lbs. after my 1st knee replacement with NO exercise during my recovery! I cut WAY down on any carbs...anything white/bread/rice/potatoes...cut them out. Green veggies, meats, dairy, eggs, you can have plenty of them, but watch fruit..mainly just eat berries. Check labels and try to keep your carbs. no more than 20g or 25g. per day. Of course talk with your Dr. first. Lots of good low carb recipes on the net. I used to use Splenda in tea and coffee but now use stevia.

    I go up and down the scales and did not do so well after my other knee surgery last year. Just started back on low carbs and loving it! May God bless you and please keep us posted.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    I'm arthritic too and my knees are quite degraded inside. They make crackling noises going up and down the stairs. It squicks me out hearing them.

    Me too. They crackle at every rotation on the bike. Makes me feel ill thinking about it. Honestly, this thread is even grossing me out (never mind my knees).
    DianePK wrote: »
    I am waiting for a knee replacement, so exercise is tough as I have severe (grade 4) chrondromalacia in my medial compartment (basically no cartilage left on my knee so it's bone on bone).

    Ok, what? I also have patellofemoral syndrome. I was given exercises to do, but wasn't informed that this could be an outcome...