For those fearing fat gain while "bulking"



  • jenglish712
    jenglish712 Posts: 497 Member
    I feel like I have gotten quite a bit rounder bulking. Truthfully I was still a bit chubby to start a bulk but I was at a point I could go either way and it was November... Did I want to cut all winter and start bulking in spring? Nah, only my wife will see and shes seen me heavier than this with no strength. It has helped me progress in lifts and Ive lost weight before relativly easily.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I started in mid October at about 175 and am currently at about 182. I would like to get to 185 maybe 188 before I start cutting again. My biggest issue was that I got the stomach virus and then a week later a nasty cold so for about two and a half weeks I was not eating that much and then the following week my lifts suffered as I was still recovered from being sick. I will say last few weeks I have been feeling a little puffy and can definitely tell that I have lost some definition in the ab area, but I am going to push through and get to AT LEAST 185 ….
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Nolan1009 wrote: »
    No, depending on the day I'll start with compound lift with lower reps. Squats/deadlifts on leg day, bench on chest/ sometimes shoulder/arms as well, start every back and arm day with pull-ups/chin-ups, ohp on shoulder. But yes I'm partial to a bro split :smiley:

    Ah, I was confused too from the way you first said it.

    So adequate recovery for muscles then, until used again.

    Whereas the comments regarding daily workouts was for a guy, and we all know guys tend to overdo it initially. Or longer.

    Then again, his could be as well laid out, but at just 1 x weekly per muscle group, not often enough for progress.

  • reemslaw
    reemslaw Posts: 33 Member
    KingRat79 wrote: »
    reemslaw wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    I thought I'd share my experience in hopes of helping others lesson the fear of being in a caloric surplus.

    I've been in a surplus for 2 months now and have gained 10lbs on the scale. My goal is still another 7lbs away, in which I will be 175lbs.

    I'm 5'10, 168 lbs at about 14-15% BF.

    Prior to "Bulking" I was at 158 lbs at about 12-13% BF. My upper two abs were starting to show.

    While I've dedicated a lot of hard time in the gym to put on muscle, I kept fighting with myself on whether to continue to maintain or bulk. I wanted Abs so bad, but at the same time I've always wanted to get to 175 lbs. It took me a couple of weeks adjusting to my new marco totals, as I was afraid I'd gain all my fat back that I had worked so hard over the past two years to get rid of.
    This HASN'T been the case. My body is much leaner than before when I was 172 lbs with very little to no muscle. I didn't even lift!
    My muscles feel "firmer" when I flex and my measurements are increasing also. Even though I'm averaging 1.25lbs/week, my fat gain has been minimal. I also feel the strongest I've ever felt and my main three lifts continue to increase as well.

    I wish I would have gotten over my fear sooner as I would have been to my goal of 175 back in 2014. I'm actually looking forward to cutting when the time comes to see what's developed underneath the small amount of fat on my sides & stomach.

    Great to hear you're doing so well!

    For me it was the opposite,

    I was 148lbs in 2012 (5ft 10), and I bulked up to 173 was my heaviest, but went from a 32" waist to feeling uncomfortable in 34" jeans. My lifts hardly went up either. Im not sure what I was doing wrong, 1 hour gym sessions 5 times a week, I did iifym and hit between 180-200g of protein 90% of the time. I dont look much different really except for a little extra thickness but most of it is round my waist. I wont give up but its really hard to stay motivated when Im just spinning my wheels. Ive used MFP for 3 years but just started on the forums for some tips and support.

    If you have added 25lbs and your lifts haven't gone up at all then there is something seriously wrong with your training, I would take a long hard look at how you are training.

    At the moment I've been doing a push/pull/legs routine twice a week. So surely enough recovery inbetween working out the same muscles. I'll do all 6 days if my schedule permits, but sometimes have to drop a session. I was told to hit everything twice a week, but train for no longer than an hour. How else can I do this?

  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    <----Former fatboy syndrome going on 3 years now. :) The worst is that initial gain when you switch from a deficit to a surplus and gain 5ish pounds in a couple days. I know its just water but....

    Then your "bulk" turns into another 4 weeks of maintenance or a mini cut to get back on that one pound per week schedule. :smile:

    Im lucky I dont take this all too seriously and enjoy the lifting just for the fun of it but I had planned on being much further ahead by now.