I need some help

Has anyone found the secret to getting rid of stubborn belly fat ? If so please share ...


  • fejiofor
    fejiofor Posts: 373 Member
    I tried green tea, 30 days sit up challenge then I did 30 days squats and some crunches and rowing before bed.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    There is no secret.

    You lose fat - by keeping to a calorie defecit

    and eventually it comes off - nothing can help you spot reduce - NOTHING!

    for some the stomach fat goes last - it's just what can happen

    push-ups can help core strength as can other exercises but until you lose the fat you won't see your abdominals
  • hansmdude
    hansmdude Posts: 111 Member
    Yes Laramie, rabbit is correct.... your body decides when and where the fat comes off of first... that's why they say Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym.
  • S1inky
    S1inky Posts: 21 Member
    Suck your tummy in all the time. Wear tight clothes and tight or no stretch jeans. Make sure you are not constipated. Apart from these things I think it is down to hormones and genes and body shape for ladies. Good luck.
  • lambchoplewis1
    lambchoplewis1 Posts: 156 Member
    I have the hip fat issue. When I lost a lot of weight, the hips finally went. I lost fat everywhere else first but the hip ft finally went. U fortunately,it is just a matter of weight loss.
  • Laramiepayne
    Laramiepayne Posts: 14 Member
    Hmm okay thanks everyone for all the help!! @fejiofor‌ , @rabbitjb‌, @hansmdude‌ & @lambchoplewis1‌