I eat way to much



  • unrulysherlock
    unrulysherlock Posts: 19 Member
    Point being, you can still eat good amounts, just swap out the sausage, cheese etc. For something else. You'd be suprised at how delicious some healthy foods can be!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    This app has made me realize that I can still eat large portions that are low in calories and fat. For example, I made a wrap yesterday, I sauteed asparagus, cauliflower and red pepper, tossed in an egg to hold it all together, added a dose of sriracha (i like spicy). It was HUGE and only 160 calories! And all those veggies kept me full for a while. It was delicious!

    Just an FYI, fats are very healthy for you (especially, foods that contain mono and polyunsaturated fats). Not only is fat essential (thence, essential fatty acids), it really increase satiety (so you stay full longer).

  • unrulysherlock
    unrulysherlock Posts: 19 Member
    Absolutely, but I've noticed that my breakfast and dinner meals have the fats i need, so i dont worry about them in lunch.:)
  • unrulysherlock
    unrulysherlock Posts: 19 Member
    I also love the nutrition pie chart on this, it shows my carb/protien/fat percentage, helps keep me balanced
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    Drink water...I start my day by drinking 8-16 oz right out of bed, with the idea of drinking 20 before breakfast. If your anything like me, I had to learn to drink a glass of water before I poured a cup of coffee. Try setting a glass by your coffee pot so you don't forget. You may also want to try carrying fresh vegetables as a snack. I was amazed @ how many times I ate out of a vending machine our of boredom, rather than hunger. Or how many times I ate when I was really thirsty. Try drinking a 8 oz glass of water prior to snacks, & see what it does or appetite. I also place a bag of carrots or cut celery in a container on my desk. They both have a calorie count of next to nothing, for times when I just need something to do with my hands.
  • Paix_Amour
    Paix_Amour Posts: 34 Member
    Drink a glass of water before you eat. It helps you feel fuller. If I get a strong craving for something, I will make myself wait 15 minutes before I can eat it. If the craving diminishes in that time, I know I'm not really NEEDING that food and I can usually pass it up. If I still have the craving, I eat a reasonable portion. Try portioning out your food in individual containers, using smaller cool-coloured plates and bowls (like blue or green)-warm colours like red, orange, and yellow make you hungrier. Fibre is a great help to feeling full too! Set rules about where you can eat (i.e. no eating in the car or at your work desk), sit down to eat, set your utensil down in between bites. There a million tips and tricks, but they key is to be mindful of WHAT you are eating and WHY. Are you hungry? bored? sad? Maybe keep a journal about what you're doing/feeling when you want to overeat and work on those issues. It's a real struggle, but you've taken a good step to getting it under control just by signing up for this site. We've got your back and are here for support whenever you need it! Best wishes! =]
  • flissy5
    flissy5 Posts: 62 Member
    Great advice here from everyone. Firstly you've already shown that you want to try to lose weight by joining MFP. Well done. Now just start taking small steps towards your goals.

    Logging and weighing food really worked for me, it changed how I feel about eating certain foods - it's not that I don't eat/drink them now I just understand what eating/drinking those things mean to me and my goal of losing weight.

    I can't even think about drinking soda without thinking that I'll have to have less to eat at a different meal to compensate for the sugar and it's amazing how quickly your body adapts, just go one day without the thing (soda for instance) and then try to do it the next day as well, and the next and the next etc.

    I also realised that it's ok to feel hungry. It's strange at first, but now I actually like feeling hungry as it probably means that I'm going to a) lose weight and b) enjoy my next meal. Obviously I mean this in it's least extreme form! I don't like to feel sluggish and tired or lightheaded.

    Keep your chin up and start logging.

    It feels great to be 10/20/30lbs lighter! And when people start complementing you then it's a whole new world. :smile:
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    I feel the same. Weird and I think it's true as well.:)

    "I also realised that it's ok to feel hungry. It's strange at first, but now I actually like feeling hungry as it probably means that I'm going to a) lose weight"

    Anyway, to the OP, just being here is the 1st step. Keep logging, chose smart what you eat and keep moving. Good luck.
    flissy5 wrote: »
    Great advice here from everyone. Firstly you've already shown that you want to try to lose weight by joining MFP. Well done. Now just start taking small steps towards your goals.

    Logging and weighing food really worked for me, it changed how I feel about eating certain foods - it's not that I don't eat/drink them now I just understand what eating/drinking those things mean to me and my goal of losing weight.

    I can't even think about drinking soda without thinking that I'll have to have less to eat at a different meal to compensate for the sugar and it's amazing how quickly your body adapts, just go one day without the thing (soda for instance) and then try to do it the next day as well, and the next and the next etc.

    I also realised that it's ok to feel hungry. It's strange at first, but now I actually like feeling hungry as it probably means that I'm going to a) lose weight and b) enjoy my next meal. Obviously I mean this in it's least extreme form! I don't like to feel sluggish and tired or lightheaded.

    Keep your chin up and start logging.

    It feels great to be 10/20/30lbs lighter! And when people start complementing you then it's a whole new world. :smile:
  • SilverRose89
    SilverRose89 Posts: 447 Member
    davis_em wrote: »
    Don't worry about losing weight right now if you're having trouble. Just commit to logging EVERYTHING you eat and drink. Do that for a few weeks, and you'll find yourself making different choices just because you don't want to see lots of calories over your target in your food journal.

    If you can commit to logging everything you eat, you WILL lose weight. That's how I started. I made a commitment to log. Nothing more. The first day or two was really eye-opening. I had no idea how much I was eating on a regular basis. After a few weeks I began making better choices. A few weeks later I started dropping pounds. It took me more than 2 years, but I lost all my excess weight, and the only actual 'dieting' decision I made was to log as honestly and accurately as possible.

    Quoted For Truth :flowerforyou: :)
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    Years ago, I "trained" myself to dislike feeling full. I read something on a bodybuilding website that said you should strive for this feeling: I wish I had more but I know I don't need it. I started do that an in a few weeks, it was a habit. If I ever overate again, I actually felt sick.

    FYI, I gained weight (hence, my presence on this site) from my vice of eating candy and nonfilling junk, unfortunately, lol. So I guess if I also overate, it would have been even worse! But even when I was gaining weight, I never went back to that "feeling full" feeling. I find it makes me feel lazy and unmotivated to move. Even drinking too much while eating will do that and I am unable to finish my food. Sometimes, that's a good thing, I guess.

    I agree with the previous poster who said that anything can become a habit. Also, the water trick also works. Good luck.
  • 7tinders
    7tinders Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks so much everybody :D I did food today and didn't go over my calorie intake :D thanks again everybody
  • I agree with others who said to just log. Keep track of what you are
    eating and then you will know what needs changed. You can do this.
  • thebuz
    thebuz Posts: 221 Member
    One thing that really helped me to understand an actual serving/portion vs what I thought I should be eating was to use a bowl instead of a plate. I grew up in a household where you were expected to eat everything on your plate as many of us did. I find that eating from a bowl controls my portion size and I don't feel like I'm wasting food. This has significantly decreased the amount I eat and I never feel over full anymore.
  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    edited January 2015
    I too felt hungry after dinner. It was my toughest time to stay on track until I began to plan for and eat a bedtime snack. I typically eat snacks that range from 150-250 calories. What satisfies me may not satisfy you but some of my go to bedtime snacks are:
    -a whole grain waffle with 1 T peanut butter (PB) and reduced sugar preserves or with PB and apple slices
    -Greek yogurt with a variety of toppings that include: fresh fruit, nuts, seeds (pumpkin, sunflower), and/or dark chocolate chips
    -a lite ice cream bar (I learned that I needed to buy ice cream that is portioned out to avoid overindulging.)
    -some homemade berry or apple and pear crisp
    -a homemade muffin (sometimes with lite cream cheese or goat cheese)
    -one egg and a slice of whole grain toast or a veggie sausage patty
    -white egg omelet and veggies
    -cereal with almond milk or cottage cheese

    I also found that I slept better when I added a bedtime snack.

    Good luck. You can do this!

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I agree with bonafidebadgurl. Just log and keep logging.. This will keep you mindful and accountable. I just log now as second nature. It works.. so I just keep doing it.

    After doing this for a few months, I decided that I like to eat breakfast.. I never ate breakfast before I started logging... Funny how my mind changed the way I like to eat my calories every day...

  • txteachermom
    txteachermom Posts: 83 Member
    OK, have you set your goals on MFP? Set them to lose 1 pound a week and set your activity level to sedentary.

    Next, work on meeting that calorie goal every day. I've found that since I have a lot to lose, my calorie goal is pretty high. I don't have a problem making it. I eat a smoothie (Naked brand is the BEST!) and a banana for breakfast, and that is surprisingly filling. I eat a turkey sandwich, Quaker Pops rice crisps, some fruit, and yogurt for lunch, and I eat whatever I want for dinner. I eat a dessert every night, and several small snacks throughout the day as well. I usually am well within my calories.

    If you feel hungry and feel the urge to binge eat, try drinking a bottle of water, and waiting 15 minutes. Then if you are still hungry, try eating a small snack. Some of my favorites include string cheese, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh fruit, carrots, hummus, yogurt, apple chips, cereal bars, and almonds.

    Also, MOVE MORE! I can't stress this enough. I actually am less hungry since I began exercising. The reason for that is that I'm not eating when bored or stressed, I've now replaced that urge with the urge to exercise. For me, I am walking, working on meeting 10,000 steps a day, using a Fitbit. It's working well for me, today I made 15,000 steps, something I never would have thought possible before.

    Finally, get some MFP friends so you'll feel motivated! Log in and enjoy seeing that active streak go up and up. For me, i enjoy seeing what types of workouts my friends are doing, what they are eating (gives me good food ideas!), and how they are doing on their goals.

    Hope these are helpful tips. Feel free to add me as a friend if you need the extra motivation!