I want to put on weight! who's with me?!

I'm looking to put on some muscle as I think I am too slim!


  • I'm with you sister, meanwhile I definitely need to incorporate weight training and some ab workouts, I fear I'll add fat to my gut rather than all the places it needs to go. I need to add muscle, rather than fat! :) so far this app has shown me what I need to see. Its been GREAT.
  • I do!!! I was told I was an ectomorph by someone. My metabolism is pretty fast and I'm slim but I'm looking to tone and define. I was told to consume more calories and protein and weights weights weights. Were u told this as well?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    here are the basics …

    1. figure our your maintenance level calories.
    2. consume 250 to 500 calories a day over your maintenance calories. < this will equal .5 to 1 pund per week gain. You will probably have to play around with the numbers and readjust as you gain …(gaining weight is not as easy as you think)
    3. carbs are your friend….you should be getting at least 35 to 40% of your calories from carbs…my split right now is 35 carbs/35 protein/30 fats, but I am usually over on carbs and closer to 40%.
    4. find a lifting program that has progressive overload built into it and incorporates compound movements…
    5. understand that you WILL GAIN FAT there is no way around this as your body is not efficient enough to convert 100% of excess calories into muscle. This is the psychological part of bulking (i am going through it right now) you will feel bloated, puffy, and will notice some definition go away as you put on weight…ignore it and plow through it.
    6. repeat until you hit desired weight goal and then do a cut t show off your new muscles.

    good luck ...
  • I am with you. I was suppose to be maintaining my previous weight and ended up losing 7 pounds.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    edited January 2015
    Bear in mind you gorgeous buff guys, that women can only gain about a quarter of a pound of muscle a week, and that's if they're experienced lifters. Add the unavoidable tag along fat of the same weight and that's half a pound gain a week. 1700 cals a week or 250 cals a day over maintenance calories (Scooby's calculator will help you with this).

    It's best to not do too much cardio when you're bulking girls, it a) interferes with the maths coz things start getting complicated with cals burnt, and b) it interferes with the muscle building process by hindering recovery.

    Take it dead slow!
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    And have several methods of measuring progress. The scale can jump around a lot in the beginning, which can be crazy-making no matter how prepared you think you are. Track weight, but also take measurements and record progress with your lifts. Take it slow and resist the urge to over-correct your intake in response to the scale fluctuations.
  • I'm trying to gain weight myself
  • I'm new to all the "tracking what I eat" and actually seeing it broken down on paper. I REEEALLY want to gain weight. I feel that I look nice but I am really underweight and want to change that. So hopefully this helps :)
  • Platypusman82
    Platypusman82 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm with you! I'm gonna kill the sweet potatoes today!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I'm with you! I'm gonna kill the sweet potatoes today!

  • II'm new to this app. All my life I've been trying to gain weight. I eat alot and it seems to go straight through me. I decided to start this year using a product called Apetamin. It hasn't been a whole week and I honestly can feel the difference. Starting tomorrow I will start posting my weekly weight gain.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    calaton86 wrote: »
    II'm new to this app. All my life I've been trying to gain weight. I eat alot and it seems to go straight through me. I decided to start this year using a product called Apetamin. It hasn't been a whole week and I honestly can feel the difference. Starting tomorrow I will start posting my weekly weight gain.

    If you aren't gaining- then you weren't eating enough- you don't need special products to help with that.

    Well- I mean unless you consider ice cream oreos beer and pizza "special products"
  • And some days I didn't have an appetite. So I guess the days I did made it seem like I ate alot. The Apetamine keeps me with an appetite. I should've put it that way.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    calaton86 wrote: »
    And some days I didn't have an appetite. So I guess the days I did made it seem like I ate alot. The Apetamine keeps me with an appetite. I should've put it that way.

    Well hopefully once you start eating properly the hunger hormones will wake up and you won't need drugs anymore! Good luck!
  • I'm doing the same. I have been lifting weights but it's hard for me to eat over 2,000 calories bc I feel stuffed
  • butterbear1980
    butterbear1980 Posts: 234 Member
    I'm doing the same. I have been lifting weights but it's hard for me to eat over 2,000 calories bc I feel stuffed

    That's super common. Just wait a week and you'll be ravenous with the intake you are feeling stuffed with right now. Just be consistent and the hungries will kick in. Trust me. Its a rest day. I ate 2700 cals today...and am *still* hungry!
  • AishaRebecca5
    AishaRebecca5 Posts: 2 Member
    I set a goal of 1600 calories per day. Managed to be over all except today. (Could be because i ate out alot this week)Not sure if that's enough calories but I am glad I started tracking as some days I barely eat 1000 so I know I under eat especially on dance days.need to improve my core mauve strength for lifts and definately wnat to bulk up on arms. Any suggestions??I'm doing shaun t hip hop abs at the minute and drinking am protein shake each morning.any other tips.im curvy but petite all over o's perhaps this is just my size....? .
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    it's probably not- I eat that much and I'm losing.