

  • mjoslin1990
    mjoslin1990 Posts: 142 Member
    OdesAngel wrote: »
    Just wondering if there are any moms out there that put their little ones in pageants? If so add me!

    My daughter is 14months, and she has done 2 pageants, but we love them! I make her outfits and she shows them off :)

    Figured I might stay active on here if I had something other then weight loss to talk about!

    (disclaimer, a lot of people I'm sure will have an "opinion" to state on here, say what you feel you must, but lets keep it drama free please)


    Yes "we" as in my daughter. My mean mugging, attention seeking 14 month old LOVES being on stage. She LOVES the spot light. If at any moment she didn't seem to like it I wouldn't continue to put her in them.

    Your opinion is definitely allowed to be expressed, but if you would like to stand up and tell me what MY daughter likes and doesn't like go for it, but it would be utterly asinine considering you know NOTHING about her.

    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    I don't get the Pageant thing at all. A two or three year old would rather be playing. I think the Pageant thing is more about some unfilled need in the parent. I'm sure that as the child gets older and feeds off the adulation they begin to assimilate to it. Personally, I think that dressing a child up light a slutty teenager is abuse.

    Thank goodness I don't dress my daughter up as a "slutty teenager" then. It's so funny that people like to speak out about subjects they very little about. What you see on tv is.... NEWS FLASH.... Made for (GASP) TV.

    All in point, What you see on tv is not what "pageants" are all about. I only viewed Toddlers in Tiaras AFTER I had already put my daughter in a pageant.

    Things are WAY different in the pageants we do, (usually pre-lims and natural)

    That's the end of my "defense," but thanks for the amusement!

  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    So did you just start this thread to cause drama? Because that's what your posts are saying. Sounds like something a pageant mom would do. :p (that was a joke)
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    _Waffle_ wrote: »

    I can't stop watching this...

    I know nothing really about pagents - I don't have cable.
    I've read a bit about the Miss America type ones and that's very clearly not what you're doing.

    Good luck to your daughter. I hope she at least wins money you can put away for college
  • mjoslin1990
    mjoslin1990 Posts: 142 Member
    So did you just start this thread to cause drama? Because that's what your posts are saying. Sounds like something a pageant mom would do. :p (that was a joke)

    I know it would seem that way... I should have thought it out a little more :blush: Oh well

    I actually was hoping to get some other moms, but I guess it totally backfired. If there was a way to delete I would. :neutral_face:
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Considering that this is a site often geared towards body image and developing a healthy relationship with oneself, I'm baffled as to why you would think you would find a lot of support here for the pageantry of a 14 month old child. But, hey, it's not my kid.

    As 603 said, hopefully you will set aside the money so she can get an education.