A Little chat about how its going ...

Hi all, I just need someplace to come and record how things are going ... where my train of thought is ... what my plans are. I thought I'd put it here in case others are interested in chatting it up about their progress too. Yesterday was my first day back after a long stretch of neglect and abuse. I ate and drank so much over the holidays that it actually caused unnecessary pain. I weigh more now than I ever did. My brother in law passed away in his sleep a few weeks ago due to obesity and it really kind of freaked me out. His heart stopped just like that. What a wakeup call. I have to stop killing myself slowly ... life is too great to do that. Day one wasn't too bad, went over a titch because I underestimated the calorie count of a Tim Horton's bagel. Lesson learned. It seems I have to retrain myself all over again. My goal this week is to increase my veggie and fruit intake ... I also want to try and become more of a morning person. As it is now, I get up at 7 and head out of the door by 7:30. I don't like eating when I get up so I grab something on my way to work and eat when I get there. I think I'll try getting up a bit earlier so I can eat before I leave, at least then I'll have control right? Baby steps. Have a Terrific Tuesday my MFP Pals.


  • carolyn0613
    carolyn0613 Posts: 162 Member
    It's a very sobering wake up call that you've had but I'm sure your b-i-l would appreciate the salute to his memory as you live a happier and healthier life.

    Don't be too hard on yourself and set reasonable goals - 1 or 1.5 lb per week is so much more achievable in the long run and, let's face it, there's no point unless you are in it for the long run. You didn't put that weight on overnight or even over a month. It was years wasn't it? So give yourself permission to take it off over years also.

    Have you considered making your breakfast and lunch the night before so that they both are ready to grab out the fridge? That might help cut out the impulse bagels!
  • Doreen9686
    We sound like we are in the same mindset. I really let things go with my exercise and overindulging over the holidays (and before), so now I am trying to get back on track and get serious about losing weight and getting healthier. Good luck to you, feel free to add me as a friend.
  • LolaJM
    LolaJM Posts: 3 Member
    Hi: I don't know if this is possible for you, but one of the things that works for me is to have healthy breakfast ingredients at work. Do you have access to a fridge there? I bring a couple of containers of cottage cheese, some fruit and some almonds every Monday. This is my breakfast everyday. It takes only a few seconds to throw it all together. If you have a microwave, slow cooking rolled oats, with some fruit and nuts and cinnamon takes only one minute to cook.
    Good Luck!
  • Tryingforbalance
    Tryingforbalance Posts: 38 Member
    Awesome. Glad to see some responses on here and some great advice. So please, also feel free to write in how you're doing in your progress. How is your day going?
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    One day at a time. Keep your focus and your purpose. Baby steps are better than no steps at all. It will happen if you really want it to. Just know that it will take a while and don't get discouraged. This is for the rest of your long, healthy life.

    Good luck and strength on your journey.
  • Tryingforbalance
    Tryingforbalance Posts: 38 Member
    edited January 2015
    Day 2 was better. I was aware of my decisions and took the time to plan out my meals and grocery list using a template I printed out off of Pinterest. I took the time to make some 5 ingredient granola bars to be sure of what was in them. According to my Fitbit I walked 13,146 steps. Yes, I can say that I'm happy with how day 2 went. I set my alarm earlier today so I'm up, my lunch is packed, my breakfast is made, and I even had time to post here before I head out to work. I'd say that's a good start. Have a Wonderful Wednesday my friends.
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    I'm sorry about your brother-in-law. I think you are heading in the right direction, because you are already setting small, achievable goals. It really is about baby steps (with the occasional leap!). Day 2 and you're going strong. It's a wonderful start!