
Hello all. My name is Wendi and I am a 33 year old, mom to a 6 year old son, who works full time in a very stressful (but enjoyable, wierd i know) job. My job is a lot of desk work which isnt helpful. I have gained almost all my wieght back that I lost almost 3 years ago for my wedding. I know they are just excuses and I am to blame but it has been hard getting motivated. I was restricted by the doctor a year ago do to feet trouble which lasted almost 6 months. I couldnt run, walk or barely stand so I pretty much gave up. I am feeling much better now and ready to get this going. I started yesterday and although my choices were better than normal I should have left off the turtles and did more excersise. lol. I am just glad that i honestly logged and here again today for day two. Bring it on.. I would love some friends for motivational help if your interested :)


  • Robino01
    Robino01 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, I am 44, mother of three and am about 5 foot 3 and weigh 157. Want to at least get back to 140 by my birthday in may. I am a radiologic technologist so I am not alway sedentary. I am so disappointed that I have let myself get to this point. Stress, kids, excuses, all of the above. No matter I guess. Loved watching biggest loser for motivation. Bob harper once said, "talk, talk, talk, stop talking and just do it." Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. Lol. Good luck
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Hello! Feel free to add me, as well! This time I am not going to give up. My job lets me move around a lot, but with bad feet I tend to sit more than move. That also comes with the weight I've gained. Have 60lbs to lose and am making this my last restart. I lost 40lbs before, so I know I can do it. Good luck!
  • monica_reinert
    monica_reinert Posts: 99 Member
    feel free to add me 2 36 year older and mother and wife.