To Longevity!

Hi Everyone

Following a minor stroke in early November, I caught a glimpse of what my future may be like if I don't make a change in my lifestyle. I am very fortunate in the fact that I have come away with only impaired vision and weakness down my left side. The prognosis is promising with full recovery, but it will be some time before I regain my full independence.

This scare has prompted me to evaluate my lifestyle - look at how MUCH I have been eating and how LITTLE I have been exercising. The signs were there, and have been for a long time, but these things only happen to others... that was my thinking. I am young (52) and have my whole life ahead of me - Oh, the ignorance!

I stumbled across MyFitnessPal on my smartphone and began playing around with the app, checking out all its features, reviews, blogs, etc. And now begins my journey into anticipated longevity. I think this program has the capacity to keep me focused and motivated. I hope to also gain some inspiration through the journeys of others, sharing each others' stories, highlights and challenges.

Please feel free to make contact if you wish to join me on my journey.


  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    So glad you found us, Welcome :)
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Welcome to MFP. There are some of us in the same boat and are trying to get it right while we still may have some time to do so. The doctor checked my Vit D3 and found it in the low 20's in 2013 and told me to take 1000 units of Vit D3 daily. I was hit and miss and it was in the upper 20's last summer. I have read up on the related health issues due to low Vit D3 and am working to get my up into the 40-60 range then the 60-80 range.

    Has your doctor tested your Vit D3 level yet? If not you may want to discuss it at your next visit but not all doctors are up on the need for this hormone that the body needs strong sun rays and Cholesterol to make enough for our needs.

  • hedgehogia
    hedgehogia Posts: 40 Member
    I too have a longevity goal! I am 38 and was dx with thyroid cancer at 36. My husband just turned 40 and has a vast family history of cardiac disease. I found these two books very inspiring and I work towards their recommendations slowly but surely!

    I also recommend watching Forks over Knives - it is a documentary available on Netflix