20 more pounds to go, Help..

My goodness. I've lost 31 pounds since last June (pic available) and I cannot seem to get the next 20. I lost only 5 lbs last month..I wanted to lose 10 but at least its down not up. New to MFP and hoping that it will help me stay on track. I have been walking about 45 minutes a day after work 5 days a week. I still don't know how to manage the food intake, I just eat small portions of whatever I eat. I grab something before I head to work, skip lunch or a sandwich, and munch on whatever for dinner before my walk. I don't eat after that and go to bed because I get mad cravings..blah. Its not the best diet plan or workout but it worked for awhile but I figure I need to change since I feel like I'm stuck at 181. Hoping this helps. I've been getting discouraged lately but I know I can do it. Hi everyone :)


  • nikkijedlo
    nikkijedlo Posts: 30 Member
    First of all - Welcome and congrats on the weight you've lost already!!

    If you're looking for advise (that's a can of worms! lol) - I like this saying: Fail to plan then you plan to fail. I do a once a week meal plan for every meal and once a week grocery run. Everything is planned out so that I don't run into "What am I going to make for this meal/snack? Ah, let's just go for junk." Planning prevents binging which is a big fail for me.

    If you start logging your food, I think that you will be amazed as to your actual calorie intake - it was a real eye opener for me! :noway:

    If you're looking for healthy recipes, meal plans, etc. I find a lot in magazines, cookbooks from the library, and online.

    I hope this helps and am looking forward to the advise that others have. :)