Need to lose 200+, ready for accountability and motivation.



  • LavenderLeaves
    LavenderLeaves Posts: 195 Member
    TrajanAz: Yeah, changing my routine is really the big thing for me. While I have the momentum now to let habit changes be "easy," I'm hoping to keep them long enough so falling back into my old bad habits won't seem as easy to do.

    Cincy: Hah! Honeymoon period. That's a very accurate feeling for my state right now. I know it'll come down at some point but I'm just really trying to hold onto it and get a good foundation to fall on when I start hitting some hard points. :)

    I'll be slowly going through the thread and adding people, as well. If you think we might be helpful and supportive to each other, please feel free to simply add me and I'll accept!
  • redwoodkestrel
    redwoodkestrel Posts: 339 Member
    It's all about just putting one foot in front of the other and just keep going no matter what. Establish routines and do your best to stick with them, even when it's hard. If you slip, it's okay, just as long as you pick yourself up and get back on it. It's not easy, it's not necessarily fun (though it's amazing how much more enjoyable exercise can be as you get more in shape!), but it's so incredibly worth it.

    I always remind myself, when I'm starting to get the "blahs" with all of it, that a year from now, I will wish I had stuck with it. That a year from now, I can either have made no progress (or gone back in progress), or just kept with it and have something to show for it.

    I've been at it now for almost a year, have lost almost 100 lbs, and have at least 25-50 lbs left to go (will evaluate when I get closer to my initial goal to lose 125 lbs). And I am *so glad* I stuck with it. I'm *so glad* I'm not where I was a year ago. It's so worth it.
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    Hi Tina...if writing the first part of that hurt your heart, well I think writing the second part of that should help mend your heart! I feel like being ready for accountability, motivation, hard work, etc. are huge steps in the right direction. :)

    I've lost about 170lbs so far. I'd like to lose another looks like we're on the same plan (I'm just a little further ahead). MFP has really helped me be motivated, accountable, creative, etc. I so thankful that a coworker mentioned it to me and I, having nothing better to do that day, decided to download the app and see what it was about.

    I believe you can do it. Just pick a "pace" you feel you can maintain over a long period of time and then just start putting one foot in front of the other. Consistency beats bursts of speed, right? So herewego...let's do it together. :smile:
  • bri_chr_kha
    Hi Tina! I don't have quite 200, but I do have 130-140 to lose. I think the hardest part you have already done... saying it and starting to do it. One day (one pound) at a time, is all we can do. We got this girl... no turning back now. :smile: