Question for bigger and or taller men

hi. I'm 19st10 and 6 foot 5 and have decided it needs to go. My BMR is 2459 and my TDEE is about 3100, I can't remember the exact number but it's just over 3100. I've set myself a daily goal of around 2600 cals a day.

This is fine and although I'm feeling full to get to my calorie goal, I'm happy with it, I've not lost any weight but only been doing it a few days so not really expecting to this early. However I am having a problem with sodium, even if I eat healthy I am finding it hard to eat 2500 cals and not go over my recommended sodium by about 1000mg a day.

Does this really matter if I'm eating less calories?


  • Panthers89
    Panthers89 Posts: 153 Member
    edited January 2015
    Increasing your daily water intake will help flush the sodium out of your system. The MFP recommendation is 8 cups / daily. After doing this awhile (nearly 4 years), I can drink between 14-18 cups on average. I felt very bloated for a few weeks as my body got used to it, but now I crave water more than other beverages!!! Good luck!!! And feel free to add me as a friend if you would like an additional diary to review.

    I exceed my sodium goal nearly every day, so the water intake is the best way that I can balance.
  • dfargher
    dfargher Posts: 37 Member
    It might not matter for weight loss, but it will matter for your blood pressure. If your blood pressure is normal, it probably isn't so bad. FWIW, I tend to go over when eating processed foods, and being way under when preparing foods at home.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Can you open your diary?
  • jessieandcharlotte78
    Sodium helps retain water. I would depend on what your eating also. Processed foods have a much higher sodium content.
  • Coolhandkid
    Coolhandkid Posts: 84 Member
    What everyone else is saying. If your blood pressure is not an issue and there is no family history of related issues its probably not the end of the world. But having eaten pretty cleanly for a while I can really tell when I'm retaining water. And at 6'5" we can retain quite a bit.

    Drink lots of water and eat fresh. That number will go down.
  • gward_1984
    Thanks guys for your help. I'll look at eating cleaner foods and see if that lowers the sodium. I am drinking about 3-4 litres of water a day so that could possibly flush the sodium out.