Starting again, fell off the wagon.

Lost 30 pounds using this app. Gained back 13 because I stopped!! Back at it again and going to keep it off.


  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    That sounds smart to start back now because I went for a full regain (without intent) before I started back down. Best of success this time.

  • How did you acheive your 30 pound weight loss?
  • sierradawn82
    sierradawn82 Posts: 11 Member
    @GaleHawkins thank you

    @kelleycallen I counted every calorie and figured out what foods worked for me. I realized that I suffer from low blood sugar and that to fix it I would go straight to the "bad foods" to fix it like for instance I work in a mall so I would just run over to the wetzels pretzels place and grab a pretzel. That woyld only last for a few hours then I would have a low again. Not to mention I would be half way through my calories for the day with that one pretzel. So I had to find food that worked for me. Lots of brown rice, chicken, and veggies. Also I had to cut out sugar and caffine. I noticed that I ate a ton. This app really showed me that I was eating high calories and low protien and not to mention iron, and calcium. Once I found foods that worked in my calorie range I started to shed the weight. Lost 30 pounds in 90 days. Trust me it was hard and I had a lot of cheat days but it still worked.
  • Imcharmed
    Imcharmed Posts: 346 Member
    Welcome back. I'm in the same boat as you, but am at my heaviest I've ever been. First day today achieved, so can't complain.

    One day at a time! Good luck.
  • Thanks. :)
    Yeah I am finding I eat so much junk.
    Even the stuff i thought was good i am learning is not!
    @GaleHawkins thank you

    @kelleycallen I counted every calorie and figured out what foods worked for me. I realized that I suffer from low blood sugar and that to fix it I would go straight to the "bad foods" to fix it like for instance I work in a mall so I would just run over to the wetzels pretzels place and grab a pretzel. That woyld only last for a few hours then I would have a low again. Not to mention I would be half way through my calories for the day with that one pretzel. So I had to find food that worked for me. Lots of brown rice, chicken, and veggies. Also I had to cut out sugar and caffine. I noticed that I ate a ton. This app really showed me that I was eating high calories and low protien and not to mention iron, and calcium. Once I found foods that worked in my calorie range I started to shed the weight. Lost 30 pounds in 90 days. Trust me it was hard and I had a lot of cheat days but it still worked.
  • sierradawn82
    sierradawn82 Posts: 11 Member
    @Imcharmed, welcome back to you too! It hard work but we can do it! It has to be a life style change!! :)
  • sierradawn82
    sierradawn82 Posts: 11 Member
    @kelleycallen. That is the hardest part but I notice once I did cut out the junk. I felt beyter more energy. It is diffenently a life style change. :) I also found so many good foods that I live and didnt even know it like Salmon. Another thing to is protien shakes. I love the ones by Lean Shake. :)
  • chipmanda
    chipmanda Posts: 1 Member
    I also lost track~~~
    I'm going to start again and take control of my life
  • ThinByThanksgiving
    ThinByThanksgiving Posts: 115 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Lost 50, got comfortable and quit. Gained back 40. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • vertruknmlr
    vertruknmlr Posts: 2 Member
    Was down 15 lbs and gained all back. gotta get back to this :s
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I think that's the key, never get comfortable, never think you're done and start relaxing. Each day you maintain requires just as much attention as the days you spend in the losing phase. I tried to relax a bit (not binges... just eat "normal" over Xmas and I gained back 7 lb in 2 weeks!!! Now I must lose it back off. Lesson learned. This diet is forever.
  • Good luck to all let's keep up the fight
  • brockettm0503
    brockettm0503 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm pretty sure if I want to keep the weight off (if I can ever lose it all) I'll have to count calories for the rest of my life. I eat senseless if I don't pay attention.
  • mhines
    mhines Posts: 5
    Glad I'm not the only one starting back lol. This makes my 3rd time
  • happyindian
    happyindian Posts: 89 Member
    My story too....only this time it seems harder. may be becos i let go a bit too much. But i will get back..
  • BElizabeth53
    BElizabeth53 Posts: 7 Member
    Sounds like me...lost 54 pounds and then quit logging. Back a year later with 30 of those pounds back (and they have all settled on hips and waist). I think logging everything is the only way I'll lose it again and keep it off.
  • gonzo4092
    gonzo4092 Posts: 4 Member
    I know that feeling to well
  • jubfry
    jubfry Posts: 1
    I have challenged myself about 4 times in my life and was happy with results but when I stop caring it all goes back on. It has to be a change in the way of life to keep it off, wish me luck and good luck to you all
  • sweedee1218
    sweedee1218 Posts: 98 Member
    Same here lost 30lbs gained 5lbs over the holidays!!! Must get back on track!!! We can do it!!!
  • In the same boat as most of you! I'm 5'7" and around 207 right now. This app is amazing and just the ticket. I'm on my 9th day and down 3.2 lbs.