Workout Videos on YouTube

I do allot of my workout watching videos on y YouTube! Anyone have any suggestions abput which videos to watch on there for a good workout. Only been working out for a week for beginners i guess. :)


  • katiecarrothers
    katiecarrothers Posts: 2 Member
    I like Tone It Up
  • EllaIsNotEnchanted
    EllaIsNotEnchanted Posts: 226 Member
    shout out to the fellow popsters out there: blogilates.
  • luckybarr21
    luckybarr21 Posts: 1 Member
    I found fitness blender on youtube. Been doing the videos for a week now and im really sore feels great and seems to be working
  • Brooklyn703
    Brooklyn703 Posts: 18 Member
    Jessica Smith TV is great
  • jserana
    jserana Posts: 3 Member
    edited January 2015
    Fitness Blender for me too. You can watch it on Youtube but it's better if you go to their official website as they have a search function there for you to select workouts according to your preference.
  • carolinaem
    carolinaem Posts: 58 Member
    I third fitnessblender.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    4thing FitnessBlender. I found them on youtube but now use their site because their search feature is fabulous.
  • curlyslim
    curlyslim Posts: 64 Member
    LOVE fitnessblender.
  • ryanhorn
    ryanhorn Posts: 355 Member
    If you're looking for a laugh, a bunch of friends and I looked up some workout videos from the 1980's to work out to. So much fun.
  • Thanks everyone will definitely look them up! :)
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I'll put in a second vote for Jessica Smith - she was always a favorite DVD instructor of mine and her online videos are just as good as her expensive since she does them from home her adorable dog Peanut is usually in them, and cute animals make me happy. Also she has a really wide variety of workouts from walking to kickboxing to weights and yoga, so I can always find something to fit my goals for that day.
    Which is not to knock FitnessBlender, they have good workouts as well.

    I've checked out a couple from GymRa, and would NOT recommend those. Boring, repetitive, and bad form to boot.

    Pop Sugar is another site, I just did my first video from them yesterday. It was a fine workout but I had to laugh at the "Schweddy Balls" nature of it (if you don't know that skit you really should - it's 3 girls and they're like "ooooh Susie this move sure works my abs!!!" "Ooh yeah Marie it sure does" giggle giggle giggle. I would recommend it if that kind of thing doesn't turn you off.