Looking for some support

I'm looking for some friendly people to help me on my weight lose journey... I'm getting married in April and I know I wont lose what I want in that short amount of time but something is better then nothing. This will be a long journey and I LIFE long change in my life but im ready!


  • mdlori12
    Oh just think how you will look at your wedding- you can print a picture with your dream wedding dress and post it on the fridge. This will clearely cut down the midnight snacks
  • metzip
    metzip Posts: 1 Member
    How much do you want to lose?
  • lcm15saskia
    First of all, congratulations on your upcoming wedding! It's a challenge, but you have taken the first step to join mfp and asking for friendly help. I am sure you will get where you want to be and will look great in your weddingdress April. Feel free to add me if you like. :smile:
  • Future_MrsNewton
    Future_MrsNewton Posts: 9 Member
    metzip wrote: »
    How much do you want to lose?

    My first goal right now is 40lbs