Soda! Help!



  • MachiavelliNZ
    MachiavelliNZ Posts: 36 Member
    Depending on your country, Sugarfree 'V' is my favourite. Otherwise just do what the others say and go with Coke Zero or something. That's my other favourite ;)
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I was raised on sweet tea but now it is green tea. It was a shift but not living in pain and perhaps dying early is a plus in my view. Diet soda seems to be a wild card for some people so only you can decide yes or no.

    I really wish you would stop spreading your misinformation.
    You really don't need the caffeine, either. Try it for a week. No soda. No caffeine.

    I think you'll be surprised to find you can do it for another week ... and then another ... and ...

    Caffeine isn't a problem for most people. It really is only an issue if you are sensitive to it (can't sleep after drinking it) or you have a history of cardiac arrythmias.
  • quickcrx702
    quickcrx702 Posts: 46 Member
    Troutsy wrote: »
    I used seltzer water to replace soda. I know it doesn't solve the caffeine problem, but it may work if you want the bubbly of soda without the sugar.
    Another vote for seltzer water, with a sqeeze of lemon or lime. I just chug some instant coffee dissolved into a water bottle for the caffeine fix. I find the taste of coffee to be horrible, but diet soda tastes even worse to me.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    kdove228 wrote: »
    im just getting started working out again. I am at my heaviest weight as I got married 8 months ago and kind of let myself go. My one problem I know I'm going to have is soda. I drink a couple sodas everyday as I don't drink coffee. Any suggestions for something with caffeine but not the sugar that soda has.

    Drink diet soda
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    You really don't need the caffeine, either. Try it for a week. No soda. No caffeine.

    I think you'll be surprised to find you can do it for another week ... and then another ... and ...

    you'll be prising the caffeine out of my cold, dead hands .. in about 60 years.. when I'm over 100
  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    edited January 2015
    You really don't need the caffeine, either. Try it for a week. No soda. No caffeine.

    I think you'll be surprised to find you can do it for another week ... and then another ... and ...

    Except caffeine is good for you. Unless you have heart problems it is good for your cardiovascular system, Full of antioxidants and can stabilise blood pressure by dilating blood vessels (can also be used as pain relief because of this)

    Some people are sensitive to it though and too much is bad, obviously, but the same can be said about water, calcium, apples etc.
  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    edited January 2015
    There are so many more teas than just your standard black tea.

    Yerba mate or green tea are higher in caffeine if don't like coffee. Chai and Thai teas are good if you still have the liquid calories to waste, but the mixes can be high in sugar. You can get tea bags and brew your own and use milk or almond milk instead of condensed milk to save on sugar/calories. Spiced teas still give you flavors if that's part of why you like soda. Cold herbal teas (Jasmine, Passion, Mint, etc) can be really tasty and refreshing without any calories (well some have like 5 calories per glass.)

  • quickcrx702
    quickcrx702 Posts: 46 Member
    JenniDaisy wrote: »
    Except caffeine is good for you. Unless you have heart problems it is good for your cardiovascular system, Full of antioxidants and can stabilise blood pressure by dilating blood vessels (can also be used as pain relief because of this)

    Some people are sensitive to it though and too much is bad, obviously, but the same can be said about water, calcium, apples etc.
    It also triggers migraines, for me at least, if I overdo it, or abruptly stop after long periods of being heavily caffeinated. My mom and some other people I know who suffer from migraines have also told me this. Though it also helps with migraines sometimes. It's weird. Sometimes I wish I never got started on caffeine, because it's harder for me to quit than when I quit smoking after 10 years. I would still get migraines if I never started caffeine, for example leaving a cold room and walking outside if it's hot is a trigger for me, but caffeine has caused me a lot of grief.

  • ardenspark
    ardenspark Posts: 50 Member
    If you really *need* caffeine, pop a caffeine pill. When I gave up Diet Coke, I was looking for a source of caffeine and this works as well as coffee or soda. Diet Coke withdrawal was the worst (not the caffeine but the aspartame) but I've been "clean" for 7 months.

  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    Woodspoon wrote: »
    ToniaH75 wrote: »
    I always heard Diet soda is just as bad for you as regular soda...

    It's an urban myth
    You're more likely to drown from drinking too much of the water thats in it before anything else has an effect.

    dunno, brain does funny things to you when you try to trick it into thinking it is getting sugar when it is not
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    I have a Red Bull Zero every day
  • moto450
    moto450 Posts: 334 Member
    No caffeine. No soda. People can justify ways of keeping them in many ways, but the fact is you'll be better without them.

    my suggestion anyway. I know it's not a popular answer though, especially when it comes to caffeine.
  • Pepsi Next! 40 calories per 8 ounces. No fake sugar just less sugar.
  • funkodrunko
    funkodrunko Posts: 6 Member
    Why do you need the caffeine?
  • YalithKBK
    YalithKBK Posts: 317 Member
    I don't know if you're trying to avoid sugar for sugar's sake or if you're trying to cut calories, but, as others have suggested, switch to a diet or zero-cal pop. Also my local grocery store (Kroger) has water flavor packets with caffeine in them. They come in all sorts of fruit flavors and you just add them to a bottle of water. Most of those are 10 calories/packet.
  • njmark72
    njmark72 Posts: 99 Member
    Diet Soda. Honestly, I am not sure I would have been able to lose all the weight I did without it. I would drink at least 4 x 20oz bottles of diet coke a day. That said, I gave it up this year along with artificial sweeteners.

    Plan on switching to diet for your weight loss or considering moving over to water now. You'll find that counting calories on MFP is hard enough keeping under the calories when eating, if you add in calories you are drinking you will come to realize its just not worth it.

    Good Luck!

  • nekoface
    nekoface Posts: 149 Member
    Soda is my problem. I've been drinking water and coffee (with milk and sugar) or flavoured tea, but there's a Coke-shaped hole in my soul. :(
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    After drinking the sugared soft drinks, the diet ones just taste awful to me. I know some people just get used to it over time and eventually even prefer them.

    I still have sugar sweetened sodas, but I limit them to what can fit in my calorie budget. In that way, they have become treats, rather than something to drink every day.

    I have switched to iced tea that I make with just a little sugar. I can have a couple of them in a day.
  • yummymummy29
    yummymummy29 Posts: 16 Member
    I was a big pop/soda drinker, this is my first week going cold turkey!..suffered a bad headache the first day..I've started drinking green tea, headaches have stopped and found and sleeping a lot better and earlier..could never sleep until about 2am (with 2 small children this is no fun) went bed at 10pm last night for the first time in years! Give it a go! But if you find that too difficult diet sodas a great alternative! I drank Pepsi max daily when I lost 4 stone a few years ago x
  • ketorach
    ketorach Posts: 430 Member
    Tea, diet soda.