looking for a good low calorie breakfast

kat121312 Posts: 3 Member
Anyone have any good ideas for a low calorie breakfast that is quick and filling


  • Krueger92
    Krueger92 Posts: 109 Member
    edited January 2015
    Protein shake. Concentrate form not isolate.
  • musicandarts
    musicandarts Posts: 187 Member
    I eat a MorningStar Griller on a Wheat Thin sandwich. Plus two cups of milky coffee. About 400 calories!
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 646 Member
    oatmeal with a piece of peanut butter toast
  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    Eggs are great if you know how to prepare them! My favorite way is to eat a fried egg on toast. I'll do toast, hummus, spinach, tomatoes, and a fried egg on top with lots of hot sauce. The whole thing usually comes in around 170 calories (I use the 45 calorie bread from Sara Lee).

    Sometimes I switch it up with a Don Lee Farms veggie patty with an egg on top or I'll do a simple 2 egg omelet with veggies. All these options come in under 250 calories.
  • bunnywestley81
    bunnywestley81 Posts: 178 Member
    I make porridge in the microwave!
    30g porridge oats 75ml water, 75ml semi skimmed milk, all in a bowl, zap for about 2 mins. I keep an eye on it, if you prefer it thicker zap a little more. Then add 15g honey if you like sweet. Comes in at just under 200 cals.

    Can add fruits or jam or chocolate spread or do a bit more if a more filling breakfast is needed!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Two boiled eggs, toast with jam. Under 300 calories (using large eggs and 45 calorie bread) and takes < 10 to prepare.
  • robynpetau
    robynpetau Posts: 4 Member
    2 slices Ezekial bread, 6 T egg whites with dash of vanilla. Soak bread in egg whites until all whites are absorbed then cook. Top with sugar free syrup. Recipe from my local fitness guru! Feels like your cheating. 240 calories
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
  • colejkeene
    colejkeene Posts: 84 Member
    How low calorie are you looking?

    I like to eat a lot of fresh fruit for breakfast. Sometimes with some coconut based yogurt. Comes in around 275 kcal.

    Sometimes I'll have Clif Protein bars with some coffee or tea for about 275 kcal.

    Or half an avocado stuffed with leftover seasoned quinoa for about 250 kcal.
  • gmamary66
    gmamary66 Posts: 11 Member
    I made veggie muffins - eggs, spinach, Roma tomatoes, green onions. Only 78 calories per muffin. Yum and easy to take and go
  • peggymenard
    peggymenard Posts: 246 Member
    1 C dried oatmeal, 2 C water, 2 TBS chopped walnuts, 1/4 tsp cinnamon, 1 pkg Stevia, 1/2 red delicious apple chopped. I cook all together and divide in two. Eat one and refrig the other for next day. I top this with a 1/4 C of coconut milk. Yummy.
  • RomaMomtoO
    RomaMomtoO Posts: 3 Member
    2 pieces of mozzarella string cheese and a protein shake 380 calories and I usually try to eat at the same time at every meal. the consistency has helped that way! Good luck. Also, check out pinterest they have a lot of great recipes for quick on the go meals
  • RomaMomtoO
    RomaMomtoO Posts: 3 Member
    oh if this helps I usually have the shake between 8:00AM and 8:30AM and then I have the 2 sting cheese at the office around 9:30AM then I am good to go until 12:00
  • I make an omelet - 1 whole egg + 2 egg whites, tablespoon of shredded cheese and whatever veggies you like (spinach, mushrooms, peppers).
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    Smoked salmon or lox on a light English muffin or bagel thin with portion-controlled cheese (Laughing Cow, Green Mountain Farms) and some scallions. Easy, fast, delicious, roiling with protein and healthy fats, about 200 calories.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited January 2015
    I have a slice of whole wheat bread, 1.5T peanut butter, 1c skim milk, and a banana.
    That's about 400 cal. I really should have closer to 700 cal, so sometimes I have double the bread/PB, and 1.5c milk, which makes it 675 cal.

    Having a larger breakfast & smaller dinner leads to more weight loss.

    This study compared eating a small breakfast, medium lunch, and large dinner, [200, 500, 700 cal]
    with eating a large breakfast, medium lunch, and small dinner [700, 500, 200 cal].
    "The [large breakfast] group showed greater weight loss and waist circumference reduction ... fasting glucose, insulin [&] triglycerides ... decreased significantly to a greater extent in the [large breakfast] group."
    In addition, hunger was less and satiety was greater.
    Abstract: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23512957
    Full text:

    "subjects assigned to high caloric intake during breakfast lost significantly more weight than those assigned to high caloric intake during the dinner"
    Abstract: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24467926
    Full text: http://www.tradewindsports.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Nutrient-Timing-and-Obesity-2014.pdf

    "data suggest that a low-calorie Mediterranean diet with a higher amount of calories in the first part of the day could establish a greater reduction in fat mass and improved insulin sensitivity than a typical daily diet."

    "Breakfast is associated with lower body weight ..."

  • 530roman
    530roman Posts: 1,819 Member
    two-egg pepper jack omelet, topped with a tablespoon of medium salsa. 230 calories, 5g carbs, 15g fat, 16g protein
  • rachelchase40
    rachelchase40 Posts: 58 Member
    I take a container of Yoplait Light Strawberry Yogurt (90 cal) and mix it with a cup of cheerios (100 cal) You could probably use any other flavor/ brand of yogurt and a different cereal too if you wanted. But I love doing this! It is a yummy 190 cal breakfast
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    Breakfast sandwich. Thomas's Light Multigrain English muffin, some deli ham or turkey/chicken breakfast sausage patty, a slice of cheese (I like the Sargento thin slices or to have the deli slice it really thin, it's a pretty small sandwich and you don't need THAT much) and then a whole egg or a few Tb of egg whites. Cook the egg/whites in the microwave in a mug with a touch of cooking spray to make them muffin-shaped, toast the muffin, heat the meat (heh), assemble. Nuke for a few more seconds if desired to melt the cheese. Depending on your exact ingredients/quantities, you'll be in the neighborhood of 175-300 calories with really excellent morning macros, at least for me (good protein, good fiber, moderate fat).
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Today I had Greek yogurt w/ frozen blueberries. Alongside my regular coffee with milk + creamer it was 240 calories.

    Yesterday I was in a hurry, so it was just Greek yogurt and a Starbucks latte. 270 calories.

    On Monday I had a breakfast burrito with sour cream and my usual coffee. Total came out to 380 calories.

    There's a "What's for Breakfast?" thread floating around somewhere that has tons of good ideas. You might check it out.