Depression affects my diet

I've been diagnosed with chronic depression and need help getting motivated and eating better....I'm in a small town near Findlay Ohio.


  • Bigblueboyscout
    Bigblueboyscout Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. Sorry to hear you've been diagnosed with depression. I was diagnosed myself about a year ago now. Been on anti depressants for a year. I know exactly how you feel when it comes to motivation. I found i put a lot of weight on when i was really depressed. For motivation i know it sounds weird but i found that no matter what anyone said to me i didn't care. However when i finally realized i need to lose weight I started myself. If you've got in your head that you want lose your weight then that's half the battle won. I hope what I've said makes sense. I'm sending you a friend request. Together we can lose weight and beat depression. There's always hope!
  • I believe that is true. I too suffer from depression, however I have to say if I put it in my head that it is a daily thing that must be done and I push myself to accomplish more each time I do feel a lot better about myself and my accomplishments. Which makes me want to do it again next day to feel good again. If you want to add me I would love that. I'm new to this too and still working out the kinks so I'm not sure how to add anyone yet. Keep head up and together we can stay motivated.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    About isn't something that makes you start something. It is what will begin to happen slowly after you start doing. Seriously- force yourself to do something. Go for a short walk. What happens is, once you're finally walking, motivation creeps in and the little voice tells you "you can do this", or "walk one more block".
    - Nothing other than your own willpower will get you started. Motivation is what keeps you going. :)
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    Exercise really helps with depression. It's something I have struggled with since I was 15, so more than half my life. I'm not currently medicated, and winters are tough, but if I just make myself do something each day, I feel much better. Truthfully some days I have a hard time even leaving the house, but I know it's good for me.
  • I hear ya about the leaving the house part... I went outside for the first time in three days yesterday to remove snow from my sidewalk... I had to force myself out...and I hate removing snow LOL
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    I have similar problems.... mostly eating as an escape from my everyday misery....