Soda! Help!



  • ketorach
    ketorach Posts: 430 Member
    edited January 2015
    nekoface wrote: »
    Soda is my problem. I've been drinking water and coffee (with milk and sugar) or flavoured tea, but there's a Coke-shaped hole in my soul. :(
    Are you from the southern US? I find my southern friends were raised on Coke and associate it with all kinds of warm childhood memories.

    Nevermind - you're from England, lol.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    TysonCook wrote: »
    No caffeine. No soda. People can justify ways of keeping them in many ways, but the fact is you'll be better without them.

    my suggestion anyway. I know it's not a popular answer though, especially when it comes to caffeine.

    prove it!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Tea. There are so many favors to choose from.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    ToniaH75 wrote: »
    I always heard Diet soda is just as bad for you as regular soda...
    ToniaH75 wrote: »
    I always heard Diet soda is just as bad for you as regular soda...

    I figure, in the choice between two bad foods, I'll choose the one with fewer calories.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    jpaulie wrote: »
    Woodspoon wrote: »
    ToniaH75 wrote: »
    I always heard Diet soda is just as bad for you as regular soda...

    It's an urban myth
    You're more likely to drown from drinking too much of the water thats in it before anything else has an effect.

    dunno, brain does funny things to you when you try to trick it into thinking it is getting sugar when it is not
    Good thing your digestive system knows the difference.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    edited January 2015
    Oh no double post...
  • otheliemoor
    otheliemoor Posts: 50 Member
    I thought I needed caffeine as well. Turns out I didn't. I started drinking water, had a bit of a headache for a few days, but otherwise I haven't really noticed a difference.
  • cmasongreen
    cmasongreen Posts: 82 Member
    Back when I lost weight a few years ago, I drank diet soda and still lost weight. I'm healthy all around except I gained 30lbs back (so that is why I am back). I am now drinking 1 or 2 cans of dr pepper ten a day. That satisfies my soda craving and I am still losing weight.

    But it is all up to you, what you are comfortable with. Once people start talking about diet pop on here mass hysteria is created between the two extremist sides haha.
  • perryat0928
    perryat0928 Posts: 4 Member
    Try drinking so much water before "treating" yourself to a Soda and then drink diet to save the calories and carbs. Add Lemon or Lime to the water to give it some flavor.
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    Their is nothing wrong with soda/diet soda or coffee so drink what ever you want as long as you count the calories in what you drink. The only reason I will advise you to cut soda out if you can't learn to limit the amount you drink or it causes you to binge on other food causing you to lose your deficit.
  • Jim_1000
    Jim_1000 Posts: 52 Member
    It's best not to bring up the artificial sweetener health risk concerns on MFP. There is some huge debates already running on that subject, and it seems like the proponents for Diet Pop are very vocal, almost zealots.

    Anyway, I would highly suggest the flavored Perrier water, its awesome with no sugar or artificial sweeteners. I believe Nestle also has a lime sparkling water in the same category.

    Plain carbonated water with a bit of juice, or a squeeze from a lemon or lime.

    I had to drink 2 liters of carbonated water to acquire a taste for it. No different that acquiring a taste for wine or beer. Best thing I ever did and I love it now!
  • laura2813
    laura2813 Posts: 84 Member
    I had a real issue with diet coke and would drink them one after the other during the day. I never drank water and if I had something else to drink it was usually sweet tea (the sweeter the better). Then I made the decision that I needed to cut way back on the sugar and unhealthy choices and went cold turkey on the diet coke. I also cut out the sweet tea and decided to suck it up and do unsweet tea to keep the caffeine headaches away. I NEVER liked or wanted unsweet tea but made myself drink it to keep the headaches away. It didn't take long for my taste to change because now if someone hands me a sweet tea I can't stand to drink it and will have to throw it out. I didn't allow anyone to bring home soda of any kind and keep at home so my options of what to drink were limited. Now I have several glasses of water during the day and usually one glass of unsweet tea. Good luck!
  • katecake89
    katecake89 Posts: 1 Member
    ardenspark wrote: »
    If you really *need* caffeine, pop a caffeine pill. When I gave up Diet Coke, I was looking for a source of caffeine and this works as well as coffee or soda. Diet Coke withdrawal was the worst (not the caffeine but the aspartame) but I've been "clean" for 7 months.

    I know the scientific jury is still out on weather or not diet soda is bad for you - but I made the choice to cut it out to see what happened.

    I was a terrible diet coke addict - 3 or 4 a day, at least a 2liter on weekends. No calories, no problems right?

    I went through awful migraines for almost 2 weeks. Worse than quitting smoking. But it has been two months and I dont have any cravings for sweet stuff. I even gave all my flavored greek yogurts to my fiancee because they were too sweet for me. I just now put a salad away because I was full enough.

    The biggest benefit by far has been taste for me. I gained more taste when I removed artificial sweeteners even more than when I quit smoking. If I really want a soda, Ill have a regular coke - but I find I don't really crave it anymore. But when I do have it, I can taste all sorts of flavors I never was able to pick up before (orange, anise, clove)

    While diet coke doesn't add to your calorie count - I have found that it makes it MUCH easier to diet without it. I will never touch the stuff again.

    I would give caffeine pills a shot if you need the caffeine ( I slowly worked myself to black coffee, so I am not without - but I know that many people just hate it)
  • YalithKBK wrote: »
    I don't know if you're trying to avoid sugar for sugar's sake or if you're trying to cut calories, but, as others have suggested, switch to a diet or zero-cal pop. Also my local grocery store (Kroger) has water flavor packets with caffeine in them. They come in all sorts of fruit flavors and you just add them to a bottle of water. Most of those are 10 calories/packet.

    I like adding these to carbonated water. feels just like soda to me :smile:
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    fenderman9 wrote: »
    It's best not to bring up the artificial sweetener health risk concerns on MFP. There is some huge debates already running on that subject, and it seems like the proponents for Diet Pop are very vocal, almost zealots.

    You have that completely backwards. Those of us that like diet sodas don't care one way or the other if anyone else likes them or drinks them. It is those that are "against" drinking diet sodas that consistently spout off misinformation.

  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    fenderman9 wrote: »
    It's best not to bring up the artificial sweetener health risk concerns on MFP. There is some huge debates already running on that subject, and it seems like the proponents for Diet Pop are very vocal, almost zealots.

    You have that completely backwards. Those of us that like diet sodas don't care one way or the other if anyone else likes them or drinks them. It is those that are "against" drinking diet sodas that consistently spout off misinformation.

    As in most hotly debated subjects on MFP, there are typcially zealots on both sides. But that is natural in a population of this size. "Those of us that like diet soda" is too large a group for any one person to speak for.
  • rand486
    rand486 Posts: 270 Member
    Too many people relying on feelings & anecdotal evidence here!

    Look at the science! Diet soda is FINE.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    rand486 wrote: »
    Too many people relying on feelings & anecdotal evidence here!

    Look at the science! Diet soda is FINE.

    You are probably right. Given the gazillions of gallons of soda with aspartame that have been guzzled in the last 25 years, one would think that if it were horrible for you, the rate of some disease, illness, organ failure, etc., would have increased significantly.

    It hasn't, has it?

    No it hasn't, actually. Disease has gone down significantly. Raw numbers might show an increase, but we've also had a major population explosion over the last 50 years.
  • leanne0627
    leanne0627 Posts: 109 Member
    coke zero and diet mountain dew taste awesome!
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    TysonCook wrote: »
    No caffeine. No soda. People can justify ways of keeping them in many ways, but the fact is you'll be better without them.

    my suggestion anyway. I know it's not a popular answer though, especially when it comes to caffeine.

    Please profid proof (not just opinion) as to why they will be better off.