uk based need to follow like minded dieters

Nearly a week in, my first day at home with my kids and the fridge...need some quick savory snack ideas to stop me eating a child:-)


  • turnercherrie
    I just found ryvita cracker breads their 19 kcal each and only 1.2% fat, much less then the normal ryvita, bit of Ham low fat mayo and it's a lot less kcal then a sandwich
  • lisacottam1
    lisacottam1 Posts: 12 Member
    Thats a start, thank you:-)
  • YoshiCow
    YoshiCow Posts: 77 Member
    Definitely recommend the Ryvita Crackbread. Usually have mine with a bit of humous.
  • lisacottam1
    lisacottam1 Posts: 12 Member
    I love humous so thats a good idea thanks.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    - Quavers - 88 a bag
    - Popchips salt & pepper are yum
    - Toast with cottage cheese, avocado and tomato this from MFP it's absolutely delicious
    - hummus or Mackerel pate - with crudités
    - Laughing cow light cheese triangles
    - Leerdammer light
    - Mushrooms on toast with marmite
    - Marmite and Philly on toast
  • lisacottam1
    lisacottam1 Posts: 12 Member
    Fab thanks. .marmite n philly defo giving that a go :-)
  • lisacottam1
    lisacottam1 Posts: 12 Member
    Whilst you are all on this thread how do you add people on here to follow/how does it work?
  • Pootler74
    Pootler74 Posts: 223 Member
    edited January 2015
    I know it's frankenfood, but I keep a big pack of wafer thin honey roast ham in the fridge to snack on. Easy to grab, high in protein, cheap, and low calorie. Ditto hard boiled eggs - I boil 4 or so and keep those in the fridge.

    To add people, click on their user name and send them a friend request.
  • runeatrunlive
    runeatrunlive Posts: 79 Member
    Hummus, olives, slices of ham/cold meat, sliced tomato with balsamic, boiled eggs!

    I'm uk based too so feel free to add me :)
  • OrangeBabelfish
    OrangeBabelfish Posts: 67 Member
    Ryvita Crackerbread is a Godsend. Ryvita Thins are also very tasty, higher in calories (about 30 per slice) but the cheddar and black peppered ones need no topping!
    I also have wafer thin turkey ham in the fridge at all times - great quick snack if hungry.

    Feel free to add me, originally Dutch but UK based and log daily!
  • lisacottam1
    lisacottam1 Posts: 12 Member
    Thats great, thanks all I have tried adding you all but my phone kerps saying the server is down, will try sorting it over the weekend so bare with me ta x
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    Cottage cheese, tuna fish with mayo, chicken thighs (pre-cooked with spices), etc. Feel free to check out my diary (I'm in London) to see how I eat (was on maintenance now trying to lose a bit more weight/body fat).