Any other students out there?

I've come back to MFP for about the third time, hoping to really commit to it this time round! I'm a 19 year old second year student at Sheffield University and that's made it pretty difficult to keep up my calorie counting - I'm looking for any other students (or people around my age) who have struggled or are struggling with keeping up with tracking when surrounded by all the rubbish foods that us students find it difficult to resist! I'm doing this with my mum and elder sister, but I'd love to talk to or just encourage anyone else who's in my position. Please say hi!


  • Kristle582
    Kristle582 Posts: 38 Member
    I am also a student. I am 21 and will be graduating in May! It is really tough to stay healthy in college.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I have a friend at Sheffield uni! I'm at Derby uni myself and I'm also 19 and female. My problem is that I'm finding it hard to get motivated enough to make a proper meal, especially as I'm in halls and my flatmates dislike me which makes going into the kitchen awkward so I find it easier to sit in my room and eat crisps... plus they always leave their dirty pots in the sink, urhg. I can't wait until september when I move in with friends. Anyway, feel free to add me if you want :smile: