
Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
I've recently started using the Kinect Games, Your Shape-Evolved and Dance Central as exercise. I wondered if there was anyone else on here that used these games. Have you noticed any changes? Have they helped you with weightloss and toning?

Feel free to add me.:happy:


  • jillianjr
    jillianjr Posts: 5
    Hi there. I use the Kinect games a lot for toning and mild to moderate weight loss. The best is the track and field in the Kinect Sports. And all of the games in the Kinect Adventures. Lots of dodging and squats and things in that one. Good exercise! Good luck with everything. Hopefully we can get enough people on here with Kinect workouts to create a better log for the exercise diary. Not much on there for that right now. Have a great week!
  • Procellifer
    Procellifer Posts: 16
    Me and the b/f have Kinect Adventures at home. I don't know the exact specifics of calories burned and all that, but it does work up a sweat and I do *feel* like I've worked out at the end of it.

    Someone totally needs to work out calories burned and add it as an exercise to the database, because all I can do is guesstimate at the moment.
  • fitcrew
    fitcrew Posts: 67 Member
    OMG Heck yeah!! We play with my kids for family nite and I get hot and sweaty.LOL I love Kinect adventures... sweat sweat sweat!!!
  • darkhorse43
    darkhorse43 Posts: 70 Member
    I've been using Your Shape for a couple of weeks and it is kicking my butt. The add on content (some of which is free) is great. I think my thighs have already shrunk.
  • atlraine
    atlraine Posts: 172 Member
    Maybe wear a HRM (heart rate monitor) while playing. At least you will have some sort of reading/idea. Have fun!!!
  • dmkaiser83
    dmkaiser83 Posts: 89
    I used to do Biggest Loser and dance central. Now I just play for fun, I don't log them as workouts because I figure it's just bonus! LOL it is fun though! I love a good 'kinect party'! love battling in dance central! I'm excited for my kids to get out of school for summer vacation so I have someone to play it with during the day!!
  • Monkeymin
    Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
    Great to hear there's a few of us. I have Kinect Adventures and Sports, It certainly does give a great workout. I highly reccomend the Your Shape. You can take different cardio classes and play games and also have your own personal training on specific areas of the body. It tells you how many calories you are burning as well.
  • pinkcess22
    pinkcess22 Posts: 60
    i have kinect it does get your heart pumping and make you sweat iv bought the biggest loser which you can do weights cardio yoga ect i personally cant stick to a daily regime on kinect working out at home is not for me i prefer to go gym gets me more pumped :D but kinect is a awesome i remember when i bought it i was drenched in sweat with in 10 minutes good use if you can stay on it for at least 1 2 hours a day it will show results
  • Monkeymin
    Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
    I tired the Biggest Loser demo, but didn't really get on as well with it as I do with Your Shape. Am hoping they bring out more games that will get my heart pumping.
  • pinkcess22
    pinkcess22 Posts: 60
    Yeah I have ultimate fight but it gets boring after aile dance central I'd have to day the best was sport party different mini games EVT I herd zumba came out I'd def be getting that
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I have Your Shape, Dance Central, Sports, and Adventures. I used Your Shape several times a week as my only workout when I started losing weight and getting in shape. I haven't used it as much the last two months, but that is because I've been doing P90, and started running. I've been using Your Shape as an occasional change of pace from P90 cardio here and there.

    Sports and Adventures will definitely get your heart rate going when you play the right mini-games. Quite a bit of fun, too!
  • sek92
    sek92 Posts: 43 Member
    i am very confused about your shape, i must be doing it wrong! i can t get out of the beginner workouts and do yo have to pay to do anythign that even builds up a sweat; i did the beginner kickboxing thinking all i had to do was "do it" to unlock but after 5 minutes of her showing me how to do a punch- nothing; we love the games and all the other kinect stuff but disappointed (probably cuz i am doing it wrong) on your shape
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    With the cardio boxing in Kinect, you have to unlock each level, one at a time. Once you do the beginner one, the next one is available. Do the second one, then you will unlock the third, and so on. The upper levels have you doing the same moves as the early levels, but much faster.

    I love the cardio boxing, but the personal trainer stuff is what kicks my behind. Especially when you're doing all the squats, lunges, and jumping jacks back-to-back.
  • Monkeymin
    Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
    Yeah, that's the thing i like about the game is the Unlocking. Knowing me I'd have gone straight for Cardio boxing Gold if it had been available, but i'm the most uncoordinated person and I would have given up as it gets fast. So lucikly as I had to repeat the moves several times before I unlocked it, I had them imprinted into my mind and am able to keep up.

    I love the personal training, I downloaded the New Year New you DLC and it certainly got my muscles sore. I have improved my fitness so much. I hate squats and always avoided doing them. But I'm learning to skateboard and appreciate that the muscles used in Squats will be the muscles I use most skateboarding. After using Your Shape and persevering with the squats, I am noticing a HUGE improvement.
  • sek92
    sek92 Posts: 43 Member
    thanks, i thought i had to buy the levels because i saw "marketplace" on there
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    There are additional levels available for purchase from the Xbox Live Marketplace, but you don't HAVE to buy them at all. I bought the Cardio DLC, and really liked adding it in there, but it isn't a requirement.
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    I LOVED the Your Shape game - that kicked my butt every day with the cardio boxing. In fact, I'd almost say it started preparing me for the Turbo fire - not as intense, obviously, but still really good! The personal training was good, too. I almost wish I'd waited to order the Turbofire, because there is so much extra content on Your Shape that I haven't even had a chance to go through yet. It's a fantastic option for the Kinect!
  • TrinityPixie4
    TrinityPixie4 Posts: 109
    I have Kinect Adventures and Biggest Loser. Kinect Adventures kicks my butt, and I feel like I did a great workout after wards. I'm going to be getting Dance Central and your shape. I tried the Zumba demo and it isn't for me, surprising to say. They should come out with more Kinect games, which I believe they will within time.
  • Monkeymin
    Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
    Has anyone downloaded all the extra content? If so which do you think is the best?
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    Cardio Boxing Platinum on Your Shape! That's a good butt kicker! Harder to get than Gold (it has different moves than the other levels, but it's just as fast paced as Gold) and it's a few minutes longer. Definitely awesome :). I also downloaded the Bollywood Dance, but it was hard to get, and I didn't unlock any past the Bronze before my Turbofire came....I should try that some more....hmm...