Need A Little Help With Fat Friday


As the title suggests. Myself and my little girl have what we call a Fat Friday every week. Basically we have a takeaway pizza from the local pizza shop. Normaly a 10" meat feast and a 10" garlic bread, We then play on the computer or watch a film.

Im not wanting to change this little routine as we have fun. But im trying to lose weight and have been eating well and clean all week.

What I was wondering is that if I do myself a big veg/salad dinner for work like lettice, cucumber, onions, sweetcorn, carrots. Would I be ok eating the pizza for my tea.




  • YoshiCow
    YoshiCow Posts: 77 Member
    As long as it fits in your calories, or even if it does go over, just take in to count your weekly target and reduce slightly over a few days or go to the gym for a little bit longer.

    Treats are good and they help me to keep on track.
  • Pootler74
    Pootler74 Posts: 223 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi James, if you look at my diary for today (it's open), you'll see I had pizza for tea. :-) It's totally doable.

    I had half a frozen supermarket veggie pizza, topped with extra cheese, tomatoes and chicken, and a big side salad. But I could easily have rejigged my meals today and/or yesterday and had the whole thing for less than 700 calories.

    Maybe you could switch to supermarket pizzas so you can see just how many calories there are. You can use your supermarket's online shop to compare the calories in each one. It's loads cheaper too.

    The trick is to make sure it fits into your calories for the week. So on Thursday you could have a few calories less. On Friday, have a light but protein rich breakfast, and a salad for lunch (but add protein to stop you getting too hungry) and pizza for dinner.

    As long as you stay under your recommended calories for the week, you'll be fine. But I had my usual calories yesterday, and then bubble and squeak for lunch today, so I didn't feel like I had to sacrifice anything for pizza today. (Mind you, I did go for a walk, just to give myself a bit more room.) I think planning is the key.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    thin crust pizza is easier on calories than thick crust pizza, maybe less garlic bread and more vegetable sticks-celery and carrots
  • jameshubbard37
    jameshubbard37 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Thanks for the replies.
    I don't want to stop the pizza as we have fun so what I will do is have salad and veg for dinner with a protein shake on Friday, My protein shake is about 180cals. Will take a few apples too so that if I start feeling hungry I can munch one of those down,
    Will also push extra hard in the gym Thursday night. Ive been to the gym tonight and burnt around 500cals on cardio. So if I can push an extra 200 cals that should make up for it.
  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    You can also do "make your own" pizza nights. My kids always loved that. You can use a lot of different bases, from naan to 100 calorie bagels.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Eating clean means nothing for weight loss. IF the place you buy pizza from has nutrition info online then figure out the nutrition for the items you normally buy. Figure out how much of it will fit into your calories (and macros if you monitor those) for the day. Or eat at maintenance for a day and have a slower weight loss week.