I wanna....

GettingThin08 Posts: 370
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
...lose weight and its so hard to get started...I find excuses after excuse...I wanna start this Monday...and well that didnt happen...My days are all backwards b/c of work and my bf work and my mom's work...Its hard on me but its not where I cant exercise...I wanna do this but its like when Monday comes around I dont do it...My family is low on money and its hard times...but why cant I do this?!?!?!

I was thinking if I take this week and work on meal plans and exercise plans and plan ahead that it may help me a lot...Its just so time consuming!!!

Any tips?!?!?!


  • ...lose weight and its so hard to get started...I find excuses after excuse...I wanna start this Monday...and well that didnt happen...My days are all backwards b/c of work and my bf work and my mom's work...Its hard on me but its not where I cant exercise...I wanna do this but its like when Monday comes around I dont do it...My family is low on money and its hard times...but why cant I do this?!?!?!

    I was thinking if I take this week and work on meal plans and exercise plans and plan ahead that it may help me a lot...Its just so time consuming!!!

    Any tips?!?!?!
  • andlofly
    andlofly Posts: 62 Member
    Why wait... if you want to lose weight...just do it. Jump right in, start right now!

    This first step I suggest is... (sounds dorky but it helps) make a list of reasons why you want to lose weight. WRITE THEM DOWN and keep them with you. Look at the list every morning, every night, and before every meal. It will help keep you on track.

    Second, just start by writing down what you are eating. Don't worry about meal plans and groceries and exercise (yet). Write down everything you put in your mouth, the time you eat it and how you feel when you decide to eat (i.e. bored, hungry, craving, sad, angry, etc.) It will help you figure out why you are choosing to eat and what you are choosing to eat. Additionally, when you "have" to write it down, it automatically helps you reduce what you are eating and helps you think twice about what you are putting in your mouth.

    Do this for one week. Tell yourself "no matter what" I am going to do this... I "have" to do this... I have "no choice". Read the reasons why you want to do it everytime you start to make excuses why you "can't" or "don't feel like" writing down what you're eating. It will get you started. After that, we can talk about meal plans and food choices ;-)
  • andlofly
    andlofly Posts: 62 Member
    You CAN do this... you are worth it.
  • do i start writing tonight or tomorrow???
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    You know, I had this exact problem. I wanted to be thin, I kept setting dates that I would start - and never did. I realized there were other things in my life I was putting off too! I am a screenwriter, but haven't sat down at the computer to write in over 5 months.

    What helped me? I scheduled my days, and stuck to it. I blocked out EVERY bit of time, from the time I got up, to my 'free time' at night before I went to bed. By blocking out my exercise in particular, it let me plan around the exercise, rather than the other way around. I KNEW that from 12:30 - 1:30 I would be exercising, so I never let anything interfere.

    It really comes down to self discipline - and I know thats hard. But think of it this way, 3 months from now you could be 25 pounds lighter, or you could be the same size. It will take just as long for time to pass either way - so you have to start now!
  • nissangal
    nissangal Posts: 4 Member
    I like to type the foods in my food diary that I didn't eat but wanted to.!!! Tonight my family had pizza
    from a pizzeria. I didn't eat any. I entered the 3 pieces of pizza that I would have usually eaten. After deleting them from my food diary -
    It makes me feel so good to see the calories I am "saving" !!!!!!!! he-he
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    I read somewhere that if you are having a difficult time getting started, you should start with one thing at a time.
    They said exercise should be first. Get yourself on a regular routine and then once that's established, you can start watching what you are eating. Of course, this is just a suggestion.

    Good luck, you can and will do this!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Thank yall so much for the tips yall are awesome!
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Its true...get yourself in a daily exercise routine and the eating healthy will follow. Self discipline is the key!
  • andlofly
    andlofly Posts: 62 Member
    What helped me? I scheduled my days, and stuck to it. I blocked out EVERY bit of time, from the time I got up, to my 'free time' at night before I went to bed. By blocking out my exercise in particular, it let me plan around the exercise, rather than the other way around. I KNEW that from 12:30 - 1:30 I would be exercising, so I never let anything interfere.

    Good point!! I agree 100%. I block my exercise time. The time that works for me is in the evening... not ideal for everyone but great for me because I can stick to it! I also use the MFP food diary to schedule my meals. I changed my preferences to actually say 6AM Breakfast... 9AM Snack... etc. It helps me get through the day (and avoid unplanned eating). When I'm sitting at my desk and somebody offers me a donut, it's much easier to say no when I know that at 9:00 I'm going to be eating the snack that I packed for myself.
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