Hello I neeeed MOTIVATION!!

dana_gutierrez Posts: 1
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all! I am 25 and in some serious need to drop some poundage. I am 174lbs right now as I am starting my journey and I want to lose 20 to 30 lbs by April for my brother wedding (in Cancun) and I would love to weight my normal 120lbs eventually! I've been dieting hard since October and back then I was 189lbs so I'm trudging along! What I really would like is some wonderful motivational people to follow me and help me when I get down in the dumps (which is offten). I have struggled with my weight for a very long time going up and down on the scale for years and I want to lay that dog to wrest! I want to be me again the fit, trim, and happy girl I used to be! I know it's going to take a lot of hard work and dedication but I am willing and able to do what it takes! I would love advice, motivation, and pretty much anything to keep me on a positive path! Please add me and be a part of my journey!! I look forward to seeing your lovely faces in my request box!!


  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
    Friend request sent.
  • taylorexley
    I know how you feel I can't get the baby weight off and if love to lose 39 lbs
  • deadhead97
    deadhead97 Posts: 2 Member
    First off, never crash diet (slimfast, cabbage soup diet, etc....). These diets really mess with your metabolism and starve you of nutrients, regardless of the amount of calories they may or may not have. It might not be safe to "diet hard". I don't know exactly what you mean by that, but it would be a good idea to bring your current diet practices to be looked over by a nutritionist or personal trainer. For example, I just started seeing a trainer for my personal goals last week, and he set me up with MFP. Even though I try to eat a variety of healthy foods from all the food groups, it turns out I don't eat nearly enough protein (less than half of what I need), so we're working on bumping that number up a bit. If you have any nutritional gaps like that, they may impede your progress, and the sooner you get someone qualified to get you on a eating plan you know is realistic, the better it will be for you. For exercise, I suggest hiring the aforementioned personal trainer for support, an accountability partner, a role model, some companionship in the gym, some variety in your workouts so that you and your body don't get bored of it, and because when you plunk down the amount of money they'll probably ask for, you will want to make the most out of what you're paying for and not fall off the right path. Hopefully my tips have been helpful to you. Congratulations on the progress you've made so far, and good luck on your journey to furthering it. If you need a quick pick- me- up when you're feeling blue or unmotivated, feel free to visit my pinterest page for healthy recipes and fitness inspiration at: http://www.pinterest.com/amyr2161/
  • ToniaH75
    I know the feeling so far i am on day 3 of this journey and i am doing great. I am afraid i will give up as well but so far my mindset is right. One thing i have learned from this website is to log EVERYTHING even if it's bad. You can do this!!
  • hlorna1991
    hlorna1991 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey feel free to add me I dont know how to add people and need buddies on here for motivation :)
  • yourradimradletshug
    yourradimradletshug Posts: 964 Member
    I'll add you! We have something in common!
  • jnn0409
    jnn0409 Posts: 171 Member
    Hello! I will gladly add you :) Your story sounds so similar to mine. I always need motivation!
  • Foodiethinking
    Foodiethinking Posts: 240 Member
    This might sound harsh.. but no amount of comment posts of "you can do it!" is going to motivate you. You need to educate yourself. Research about the importance of changing your diet and use your brother's wedding as the spark. Surround yourself with positive people on MFP- the key thing is that you're here. It's ok to have a doughnut- I do regularly! The key is consistency. Have a crap day if you want, then own it and move on.

    You're doing this for yourself and you don't need anyone to motivate you. Motivation comes from within, others may be the spark but the results and discipline are down to you.