Trying to lose weight with PCOS

I am 34 years old and need to lose at least 50 but ideally 70 lbs. I really struggle to lose any weight due to insulin resistance and PCOS. I am just starting my long journey and was hoping to connect with people in a similar situation. Any suggestions, good recipes, tricks?


  • MelonFlower
    MelonFlower Posts: 37 Member
    Hi there!! I was recently diagnosed with PCOS as well as slight insulin resistance. I'm almost 30 and suspect I've been suffering from these symptoms for a while now (gained 30lbs between 2011-2013). I'm grateful for the diagnosis, because I couldn't understand how I was putting on so much weight! I'm an active girl and already ate pretty cleanly from the start.

    Anyway, I'm just getting started, but I think there are a few key things from what I've read.
    1. Eating a sugar-sensitive diet. I've started eating almost like I'm diabetic. I don't eat any added refined sugars, and limit fruit (1-2 servings/day). Every meal I eat (3x/day) has lots of protein and fat to slow carb absorption. I even got a blood glucose monitor for fun because I'm nerdy like that, so sometimes I'll check to see I'm not spiking my blood sugar too much.
    2. Weight lifting can be great... when balanced with cardio. I did only weight lifting for a while, but because my testosterone is elevated (thanks PCOS!) I bulked up when I really just wanted to slim down and tone. I used to laugh when I overheard personal trainers be like, "women can't bulk up, they're not bio-physically capable." Trust me, yes we are... if our hormones are out of whack!

    I've only lost about 8 lbs, so I can't claim to be a brillianaire about this just yet, but for me, the best thing has been to decrease the carbs, and bump up the protein and healthy fats. I try to eat at least 90-120 grams of protein a day, and about 90-110 grams of fat. This may seem like a lot of fat, and it is, but my calories need to come from somewhere, and it seems to work for me (I hate feeling hungry). PCOS messes with hormones so much, that for most sufferers, our bodies just don't process carbs as efficiently as a "normal" person.

    My Fats come from: coconut oil, coconut milk, avocado, organic butter/ghee, olive oil, flaxseed, meat

    I've also eliminated all grains and soy. Watch out for soy!! It's an estrogenic and it'll sabotage weight loss for PCOS sufferers. I can't eat dairy because I'm allergic to whey.

    Ok, this is getting long....

  • MFAB8258
    MFAB8258 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! Thanks for the response. I have been diagnosed for 3 years with PCOS and have been on a weight loss/gain roller coaster since I was in my mid-twenties. I agree that I have suffered from the symptoms for much longer than 3 years. I am apparently very insulin resistant. I had to plead with doctors that something was wrong and I didn't know what. I worked with a trainer for 6 months before I was diagnosed and only lost 10 lbs. I trained for/ran a marathon in 2009 and my weight didn't drop below 200 lbs - go figure :). I agree about the Testosterone, I have always been able to put on muscle fast. My hormones were/are definitely out of wack but I am on medicines/supplements to assist with that. My big issue is willpower and motivation. I feel like I have struggled and had to work so hard for so long to lose weight that I'm kind of exhausted. I hate to call my new strategy a resolution, it's just coincidental that I finally felt ready around the start of a new year. I'm just trying to find some sort of "plan" that will stick. I am counting calories and am trying to stay between 1450 and 1550 calories per day. My doctor recommended that I only eat about 100 grams of carbs per day (which is wayyyyy harder than it seems) but for now I'm working to keep it between 112-120 grams. I have pretty much cut out all bread/grains/carbs other than from fruits/veg/natural sugars at this point until I can get a grasp of my plan. I have been following my own hybrid of the South Beach/Paleo/Low-Carb/Low-Red Meat diet for a few days now but it seems okay. As an aside, I am trying to do it in a more natural way this time. I used to try "Diet" and "Low-Carb" eye catcher items but know they're bad for me in the long run. I think a half teaspoon of Stevia in my coffee in the morning is really my only "added sugar" for now. I know I could use honey, but haven't needed to. I'm not a huge "sweets" person but I loooove bread. That's the toughest thing. I also have stayed away from soy for a long time - I knew that there were issues with the increased Estrogen and actually stayed away from it from the beginning due to cancer concerns (I have a family history of ovarian cancer). Almond Milk seems to do the trick for now. Anyway, I'd love to keep in touch and share pointers on this site if you'd like to as well. My email is also getting long, haha. :) Take care. - MF
  • ShannonMJ2012
    ShannonMJ2012 Posts: 44 Member
    My doc casually mentioned it once and hasn't said a thing about it since. I gained 80lbs in 2 years. I thought it was because I was on the depo shot. It's been a struggle to lose any weight and have gained some. So now I really want to lose all the excess weight I have and just live a healthier life.
    I had a personal trainer up until October and never lost a pound. I gained quite a bit of muscle through all the lifting but never lost anything.

    I too have willpower, motivation, and energy issues. I can't tell myself "no" because it has the opposite effect. I feel like I'm holding myself back.

    I do the stevia and almond milk thing too. I love almond milk over soy milk. Almond milk has a similar texture to cow milk and is not grainy like soy. I don't usually "diet" as that just doesn't work for me. I do try to stay within my calorie range. My sweet tooth has shrunken dramatically in recent years (coinciding with me starting a hobby bakery) so that's a good thing. I need to figure out a way to get more exercise into my day.

    MFAB8258, I have a history of ovarian cancer in my family too. It sucks. I'm glad that I'm not alone.

    I wish you all much success on your journeys.
  • officialmellis
    officialmellis Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! I have PCOS as well, and for me the 100g carbs a day diet really worked (along with keeping my calories at the MFP recommended limit). I went from 305lbs to 215lbs in about a year and a half.

    I've gained a lot of that back in the last year or so since I stopped eating low carb and tracking calories due to life stressors, and I'm starting over on MyFitnessPal because seeing my old progress bar really bummed me out. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • AliciaNicoleR
    AliciaNicoleR Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ladies! I was just recently diagnosed after a large weight gain. I am only on dat three of MFP and need to lose 65 lbs. Please add me if you like so we can share ideas and tips. Has anyone been on Metformin? My Dr wants me to take it but I hate medicine. Thanks ladies and good luck!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    My best tip is to see your doctor *and* a nutritionist if that's financially possible. The doctor, for medications, and the nutritionist, to tailor your food intake to something that will help you work around your condition. I'm hypothyroid myself. It's very hard to try to handle weight loss with a medical issue like this on your own. It's gonna be slow :( and you will need to be very diligent with your workouts and your logging. I'm menopausing, so that puts me at a hormonal disadvantage too. Feel free to add me if you would like. I understand the challenge.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    .... also, I have several girl friends on Metformin and they feel that it's worth it, if that helps you any. I'd say at least give it a try. You can stop if it sucks.
  • victoria5936
    victoria5936 Posts: 7 Member
    I am in the same boat. I have had PCOS for years. I have always had a hard time losing weight as well. Let's do this together! Anyone else is free to add me as a friend.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I have pcos as well. I'll be honest with you, it's going to be harder than it is for others to lose weight but it is far from impossible!!! I've done it, you can too! Jillian Michaels has pcos too! :)
  • betharmstrong61
    betharmstrong61 Posts: 6 Member
    Ladies I also have this.... I believe if u want something bad enough u can have it:)
    U gotta keep it head up:)
  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    Another PCOS lady here. I lost close to 70 lbs on MFP my first go round and gained back 25ish over the last year. I'm back in the swing of things as of about 9 days ago. I also just started a low dose of Metformin (extended release) this week. So far I haven't had many of the GI difficulties that others seems to experience, but that maybe because my dosage is lower. I'm going to echo all of the sentiments posted earlier regarding success. Keep your carbs as low as possible and find an exercise regimen you love. I think there may be a group for PCOS folks on MFP. You can search for it. Also feel free to add me :)
  • betharmstrong61
    betharmstrong61 Posts: 6 Member
    Ladies I also have this.... I believe if u want something bad enough u can have it:)
    U gotta keep it head up:)

    U gotta keep ur head up , I meant:)
  • Hi ladies !! I've been diagnosed with PCOS 4 years ago. I've always been a cubby girl growing up, but as I get older my weight increased. I manage to loss weight over the years but I always gain it back and even more. Now I'm taking my life back and I will lose this weight and keep it off. My starting weight is 248 lbs and I'm 5ft 10inchs. My goal is to lose 88lbs which will take me to a healthy weight of 160lbs. I really need some support and motivation.
  • HappilyDistracted
    HappilyDistracted Posts: 1,700 Member
    edited January 2015
    I also have PCOS, insulin resistance, elevated testosterone and hypothyroid (they all go together.)

    I tried to follow what MFP says for calories, but I found myself hungry and craving sweets/carbs at night and would destroy my diet in the evening. It completely killed my motivation, because I felt hopeless after doing so well through the entire day and then everything was ruined so quickly. I don't know if I wasn't eating frequently enough or wasn't eating the right foods. Now, I'm eating 1600 calories. I'm focused on more protein, less carbs, use veggies as a filler, replace carbs with veggies, and exercise 4-5 times a week.

    Thus far, I'm full at night time (even before I hit my calorie limit sometimes) and haven't had any crazy cravings.

    Alicia- A few years back I was already overweight and gained like 20-30 pounds suddenly. I went on metformin after that and lost the weight almost immediately. However, with that being said, I don't think I felt that amazing on metformin and went off of it, then got pregnant almost immediately and haven't gone back on since. I'd like to see if I can resolve it by eating better (which I haven't been too great about).

    Recipe Ideas ( I've tried all of these, except the cauliflower pizza crust and mac and cheese- I will try soon) :
    Spaghetti Squash as pasta
    Zucchini sliced thinly for pasta, especially lasagna
    Cauliflower for mashed potatoes or pizza crust or mac and cheese
    Tandoori Chicken
    Stuffed Bell Peppers
    Taco salad
    Chicken Fajitas
    Oven-baked chicken with varying spices
    Grilled salmon

    Hope this helps- add me if you want!
  • MFAB8258
    MFAB8258 Posts: 13 Member
    Wow! I'm psyched at the responses I've received on this discussion board. I think I've added most of you as friends but if not, let me know. In response to the medicine questions:

    I see an amazing Reproductive Endocrinologist in Pennsylvania who has been my lifeline. I am there every 2-3 months and have been going to him for 3 years. My insurance appears to cover most of it, minus the copay. I do take Metformin and Victoza to manage my insulin resistance along with several other supplements. I had little to no problems with the Metformin (aka Glumetza) as far as side effects go. Some people may have stomach discomfort if they eat too much sugar or too many carbs on it but I think that's just in the beginning. The Victoza was initially a struggle but ultimately it was very helpful. It is an injectable and you have to kind of work your way up in dosage. It manages blood sugar spikes. I was very nauseated when I first started taking it but overcame that after an adjustment period. That medicine requires more monitoring and blood work, which is why I go to the doctor so often. I would recommend seeing a specialist since everyone is different, but can tell you that both medicines have helped. You'll probably see a little weight loss from those meds initially.

    Hope this helped.

    - MF
  • sabrinarv1
    sabrinarv1 Posts: 4 Member
    Im 22 and have been married since i was 17. I have pcos and We have been ttc for 4 years before i try pills im trying to get healthy. I have 100+ pounds i need to loseiv lost 30 so far. I would love some ladies with pcos to add me and we can chat or whatever.
  • jewelhefner443
    jewelhefner443 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    I am SO glad I found this discussion, because I too have PCOS and recently decided to give the MFP & Fitbit regiment a try. I have been battling weight issues my whole life and PCOS for over 12yrs. It is hard for most people to understand that even though we "do" the same things as they do, our bodies just simply don't respond the same way. I had a partial hysterectomy about a year ago (uterus & one ovary) due to issues so luckily I don't have to deal with that part of PCOS anymore, but I am tired of being unhealthy, I want to experience life more fully, not sit and watch it outside of my window. I have just started this journey with the MFP & Fitbit and have 100+ lbs to lose. Would love to connect with any (or all) of you to give and get support, so please feel free to add me :)
  • jenniferassell
    jenniferassell Posts: 3 Member
    MFAB8258 wrote: »
    I am 34 years old and need to lose at least 50 but ideally 70 lbs. I really struggle to lose any weight due to insulin resistance and PCOS. I am just starting my long journey and was hoping to connect with people in a similar situation. Any suggestions, good recipes, tricks?

  • Sadi_Kalen
    Sadi_Kalen Posts: 33 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I'm almost back in weight-loss mode again, having reached my goal weight the xmas before this last one just gone. This one seems to be undoing my maintenance, despite working out like a madwoman with cardio/kettlebells 5 days a week consistently. I have purposely upped my cals to help build the muscle as my goal weight resulted in skinny-fatness and I simply couldn't maintain on less than 1200 cals per day, that's just crazy. (I'm only 5'1" so low-calorie diets may not be the best way to manage my weight). But, have gained almost 12 lb over the last month and not all of it is muscle. :(

    My doc dx me with PCOS about 5 years ago but I'm now starting to wonder if it may be Cushings instead. Either my weight training is helping or I'm just getting really slim and toned legs/arms without the well-toned belly underneath showing through the tyre of fat around my tummy. I hate it. Feeling a bit disappointed as I'm now meant to be in the phase of maintenance (for 1 year now) and yet, the joy-ride seems to be coming to an end. I fought hard to lose this belly fat during my diet/exercise over the last 2 years and feeling kinda ripped off that my efforts aren't working very well anymore. The hunger is phenomenal. It's like an addiction to heroin - this hunger for sustenance, especially while working out often - and I'm sorta mad this truth gets down-played by others.

    Either my PCOS is winning or evolution is starting the starvation dance and my efforts are in vain. But I'm concerned that I'm gaining weight ONLY in my belly and everywhere else is toning up. Anyone here in a similar situation? I'm thinking I need to go back to the doc to check if this is not a different endo disorder altogether.
  • vmadge
    vmadge Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all you beautiful PCOS ladies. I too have PCOS and have had it for many years. I have had insulin resistance, acne, weight gain, no or inconsistent periods and hair loss. It's been so much fun ... Haha NOT. I was taking the pill to control all my symptoms but was later diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder, to top things off. I was them put on metformin for about 4-5 years and it absolutely trashed my body. So many health problems started. 4 years ago I decided to overhaul my life and remove every food that upset PCOS and learn what helped heal my body. I stopped taking metformin. I've gone on to study Nutritional Medicine, mainly to help myself but now I'm so keen to help others who suffer PCOS symptoms and feel like their life is being controlled by it.

    I'm only just new to this app so I'm unsure how to add you lovely ladies.

    I've written a website with some PCOS info and my journey if any of you lovelies are interested also I have a Facebook page Vanessa Madge wellness coach. Insta is vanessa_madge.

    I've also written a helpful eating program that helps get control of blood sugar and insulin resistance.

    Love to share with you pretty ladies.

    Vanessa :smile: