Not Feeling Any Different

ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
I have been feeling like crappy crap crap lately. I have lost 23 pounds since last fall (18 with MFP) I have lost inches and gone down in clothing sizes. I even posted some before and afters last week. Yet the past week I have felt like I still look the same as I did. I have been depressed which has caused be to overeat a few times in the past week or so and I have been reaching for some poor food choices (comfort food) as well.
So idk what my point is,just wondering if anyone else is feeling down or like they can't tell a difference right now or did in the past and how they worked through it.,
I am SO close to my goal -I should be more motivated then ever,yet all I want to do is eat and then be depressed about it.


  • gameovergt
    gameovergt Posts: 502
    keep your chin up & push through this. maybe take a few days off. Your mind needs a break also!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    First of all, hi Haligonian! I'm from Hali too!

    I was looking at your profile and you really have changed the way you look, but it can take time to change your body image too. As long as you are healthy (and not feeling unwell) I would try to focus on yourself in other ways.
    The good thing about losing weight is that it is a measurable accomplishment, so maybe you need another goal to work towards. Something academically, or you could volunteer for the summer, or you could even join a sport through Halifax Recreation just to be part of a team.
    And although this last idea may sound super-girly - treat yourself to a new hairstyle - it can work wonders for a lady's confidence. Trust me, this weather isn't helping any of us right now.
  • ckncj
    ckncj Posts: 183 Member
    I am in the exact same boat as you. I'm sorry. :( I'm just trying to stay focused on my goals.

    I have lost nearly 20lbs since November and I was looking thru pix today and can't really tell a difference. It's discouraging, regardless of the scale, clothes, and inches. I know how you feel.

    Try to keep your mind and body busy elsewhere - like exercising and doing another hobby-type activity. I'm hoping to get a good run in tonight.

    CHIN UP!
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    I'm right there with you, sister. I have so much stress on my mind, I'm sleep deprived, my workouts are lackluster, and I've been eating enough junk food to fuel a small continent. I've gained 5 pounds back and it shows in my stomach only.

    My solution is to just get it right. Take care of myself, trying to be more productive and stop stressing. If I'm lucky I'll get to bed at a reasonable time tonight and all will be well.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Sometimes we let ourselves think that losing weight will change everything. What it does is important! But it may not be life changing especially when it's a realitive small (20lbs vs. 200lbs). Please try to focus on how great it feels to be in control of your life, how healthy you feel and how fit you feel from exercising!:flowerforyou: :smooched: :heart: :drinker:
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    First of all, hi Haligonian! I'm from Hali too!

    I was looking at your profile and you really have changed the way you look, but it can take time to change your body image too. As long as you are healthy (and not feeling unwell) I would try to focus on yourself in other ways.
    The good thing about losing weight is that it is a measurable accomplishment, so maybe you need another goal to work towards. Something academically, or you could volunteer for the summer, or you could even join a sport through Halifax Recreation just to be part of a team.
    And although this last idea may sound super-girly - treat yourself to a new hairstyle - it can work wonders for a lady's confidence. Trust me, this weather isn't helping any of us right now.

    How did you know I desperately need a haircut?!
  • TrishaAvina
    TrishaAvina Posts: 48
    I know how you feel girl!!! I have had a rough week myself.....we just gotta get our focus back and shake it off. I have lost 27lbs 12 of which are with MFP over the last 2 months and I'm still wearing the same size, don't feel like I look any different either. I just try to remember that my image of myself is different than how other people see me. My husband says he notices a difference but I still can't see it myself, I guess until I have to go shopping for new clothes, will I really notice. CHIN UP, WE CAN DO THIS!!! but do I really belive that right now. No not really (we are in the same boat)
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    You my friend look awesome! I know how it feels to get depressed and want to eat, though I haven't had that feeling yet on this particular journey. I felt good on sunday when people told me I was looking good and later that day I found myself feeling like, how can they see it, some days I hardly see the changes. I keep my head up most all the time, but like you I do have the moments where I say I am not seeing anything happen. You just hang in there and we will get through these times together. I am here for you if you need someone to talk to.
  • savannahgro
    savannahgro Posts: 113 Member
    I was in this boat two weeks ago. I gained back 3 pounds or so because of the poor choices I was making (week before Easter!). I gave myself a cut off date for being a moody girl and got right back into it two days after Easter (I'm Polish and went out for Dyngus Day on the Monday after) and that was that. My official weigh in is tomorrow but I hopped on the scale today and believe I have worked off the three extra pounds plus one! All the more motivation to really, really get me back into this.

    Good Luck!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    First of all, hi Haligonian! I'm from Hali too!

    I was looking at your profile and you really have changed the way you look, but it can take time to change your body image too. As long as you are healthy (and not feeling unwell) I would try to focus on yourself in other ways.
    The good thing about losing weight is that it is a measurable accomplishment, so maybe you need another goal to work towards. Something academically, or you could volunteer for the summer, or you could even join a sport through Halifax Recreation just to be part of a team.
    And although this last idea may sound super-girly - treat yourself to a new hairstyle - it can work wonders for a lady's confidence. Trust me, this weather isn't helping any of us right now.

    How did you know I desperately need a haircut?!

  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    Thank you all so much,thats what I love about this community,practically instant outpour of support.
  • elsie81
    elsie81 Posts: 16 Member
    momma will take you out tomorrow for a healthy treat are amazing you have kept me motivated and i love you...momma