1200 calories

mjb123 Posts: 19
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
I was just wondering how many of you have your calories set at 1200 and "earn" extra calories by exercising? 1200 seems too low on days you don't exercise. Is anyone set at 1500 calories and still loosing weight? (Assuming you eat exercise calories on top of that?)


  • My calorie intake before exercise or anything is 1510, and then when i do my exercises it always gives me more but i never get close to them but i have lost 11 pounds so far
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Yep, I typically eat about 1800-2000 on exercise days, almost 1600 on other days.

    Might help to read these threads that can help determine healthy, realistic cal goals.


  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Mine is set at 1200.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm set at 1540 and I always do my best to eat all my exercise calories. As long as I get to the gym 5 days a week I can lose 1-1.5 pounds per week. I've found that if I eat fewer than 1400 calories I stop burning fat immediately, so the exercise is more important for me than the calorie deficit.
  • promiseskept
    promiseskept Posts: 119
    Mine is 1200, I eat back what I exercise, I have lost 22lbs in 150 days.
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    I'm set at 1200. I need to watch my snacking on days I don't exercise or I'll go over. I like it because it keeps me motivated to workout often. Also, for th first time I understand the whole "eat back calories" thing. I think if I was set higher I would have have trouble eatting my net calories.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Yes. I eat between 1450 - 1550 cals each day plus almost all of my exercise calories (I usually burn anywhere between 100 - 300 cals exercise per day, though not lately as I'm having knee problems so am not running), so my net is usually around 1500.
    I started out eating 1660 plus exercise calories but have reduced it slowly over four months as I've lost weight and changed habits.

    I've lost 12 kg so far (about 26 pounds) at a rate of 1kg (2.2 pounds) every 10 days which I'm really happy with.

    I think 1200 is probably too low for most people unless you have a very small frame or are very short. I can't imagine not being starving at that level. Luckily for me it doesn't seem to be necessary.
  • Hbartels
    Hbartels Posts: 19 Member
    Mine is set at 1200 as well. It is set by your beginning weight, how many pounds you'd like to lose a week and your activity level. When I try to make "normal" foods fit into 1200 calories, it can be a real challenge. It's far easier if I follow a menu plan, especially the You:on a diet plan through realage.com . That works amazingly and I'm never hungry.
  • _BeccaLynn_
    _BeccaLynn_ Posts: 41
    I was told to times my weight by 7 and thatis how may calories i should eat befre working out. I have lost 21 lbs. in a month and two weeks. My mother is doing the same thing and has also lost 21 lbs in the same amount of time.
  • lrh769
    lrh769 Posts: 3 Member
    I have a set goal of 1500 and I usually eat my exercise calories as well. There are days when I'm 200 calories under my goal and then there are days when I'm 300-400 over! I've been on here for a little over two weeks now and I've lost 7 pounds (starting weight 166lbs)! My jeans fit better and my tummy is flatter! I guess it all depends on your body and metabolism but I eat five or six small meals a day so that my metabolism is always burning up the food for energy. Hope this helps and good luck to you all :)
  • Soniatori
    Soniatori Posts: 4 Member
    three days ago i started my calories to 1200 and exercise 333 cal off. so far i lost 2 pounds. i'm super happy about that.
  • I just joined this site and my calorie level is set at 1200 calories. The thing is, I can't exercise at all due to a physical disability. I am losing muscle mass, and we all know the ability to burn fat/lose weight is done through working those muscles! So.....my question is - will I still lose the weight with just this low calorie eating? I am afraid of the "starvation mode" I keep hearing about - I don't want my body to store any more fat! Any comments/help?

    Thank you!
  • amac85
    amac85 Posts: 7
    I'm just starting to understand the calorie thing. I have my goal set at 1200 cal/day, and I thought that if I burned 400 calories in exercise a day, that I would lose weight even faster... but in my case it's doing the exact opposite- My body is storing the calories for energy because I'm not eating enough.

    I should be eating 1600 cal/day and burning 400 cal/day to reach my net goal of 1200?

    Please correct me if I'm wrong!
  • kiwi_dee
    kiwi_dee Posts: 160 Member
    I have 1370 per day plus breastfeeding and exercise calories and I try to eat them all back (though if I'm not hungry I don't force it). I've lost 9kg (20lb)in 11 weeks which is a bit faster than I was aiming for.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I'm just starting to understand the calorie thing. I have my goal set at 1200 cal/day, and I thought that if I burned 400 calories in exercise a day, that I would lose weight even faster... but in my case it's doing the exact opposite- My body is storing the calories for energy because I'm not eating enough.

    I should be eating 1600 cal/day and burning 400 cal/day to reach my net goal of 1200?

    Please correct me if I'm wrong!

    Yep :wink:

    But also make sure your loss per week goal is appropriate. Read the threads I linked in my PP and that should help.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I just joined this site and my calorie level is set at 1200 calories. The thing is, I can't exercise at all due to a physical disability. I am losing muscle mass, and we all know the ability to burn fat/lose weight is done through working those muscles! So.....my question is - will I still lose the weight with just this low calorie eating? I am afraid of the "starvation mode" I keep hearing about - I don't want my body to store any more fat! Any comments/help?

    Thank you!

    Actually, MFP is the best site for someone in your situation. MFP was designed to help you lose weight, whether you exercise or not. Losing weight is actually mostly about diet.

    Many counters/plans use exercise to create the deficit for weight loss. MFP works different - it creates a built in deficit to allow for your loss per week goal, regardless of exercise. It actually adds cals back in when you log exercise to keep that deficit stable. So whether you do an hour of exercise, or none, you still have a deficit and will still lose weight. :wink:

    You will want to keep your intake as clean as possible - ie meet your goals (protein, fat, carbs, etc) with lean meats, lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains. Keep sodium down and drink lots of water.

    One thing to note, however. I don't know what your disability is, but if at all possible it's best if you can incorporate SOME kind of resistance training. even if it's just small hand weights, some mild body weight exercises, etc. That will help you maintain muscle mass.
  • travishein
    travishein Posts: 78
    wow, 1200. i am currently at 1800. and i usually eat about 2800 (i know, FAIL right).. But I also try to exercise most days, but also sometimes my end calories for the day is -800 (or around 2400) . So even though I am usually over the 1800 goal it has set for me, I am still losing weight pretty well. Probably being active helps, and I am increasing my base metabolic rate, so I do end up chewing through the extra calories to balance things out. Also yea, that built in deficit thing on the goal amount they set must be a factor.

    But basically, rather than stressing on the actual calories I do, I kind have evolved to spend my time counting other fun things like distances i walk or jog in a month, and just try to get "ish" every day on my calories total
  • xxjacqueline
    xxjacqueline Posts: 97 Member
    I don't eat anywhere near my calorie goal, because it's so high. But I do eat over 1200, I also don't eat my exercise calories back.
  • jonikeffer
    jonikeffer Posts: 218 Member
    Mine is set to 1200, and I was finding that hard to stick to on any rare days I didn't exercise. The best plan is to exercise every day to earn...keeping in mind that even if you don't go to the gym (which I don't on weekends) you can still earn by accounting for things you may do and not think of as exercise....like cleaning, and just walking. You may not earn as much as hitting the gym, but it adds up and you may find you only need an extra 100-200 to not be hungry. :)
  • Thank you ladyhawk00! I have Muscular Dystrophy, so my muscles are deteriorating. Most of my weakness is upper legs and upper arms and core - so that doesn't leave much else to workout with! :-) Maybe I can try the "soup can" weights?!

    I do greatly appreciate you commenting on my post! My husband was a little worried saying that 1200 calories sounded too low and that it wouldn't be healthy. But I feel it should be okay being that I can't really burn any calories, so watching my intake is vital for me I assume!

    Thanks again!
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