30lb to lose in 2 months



  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    pjack142 wrote: »
    My goal is to lose atleast 3kg to 5kg a week. Please Feel free to add me.

    6.6 to 11 lbs a week?!!! That is completely unrealistic and unhealthy. I highly suggest you reevaluate your goal and aim for NO MORE than 2 lbs a week. In fact, I wouldn't expect more than 1.5 lbs/week.

    You're in for disappointment, not to mention being miserable, if you actually try to lose that amount of weight in that amount of time.
  • smfritzii
    smfritzii Posts: 9 Member
    edited January 2015
    You're setting yourself up for failure. In order to lose 1 pound of fat you need a 3,500 calorie deficit. That is a lot of deficit. Like, not eating at all for 2 days. You were talking about losing 3kg per week, which is almost 7 pounds. To do that you'd have to not eat at all *and* you'd have to do 1,500 calories worth of exercise every day without eating.

    In other words it's not going to happen.

    A realistic goal is 1 pound per week, and that's if you have a 500 calorie per day deficit. Even that is hard. An aggressive goal is 2 pounds per week.

    It sucks that it'll take 30 weeks to lose 30 pounds. But in 30 weeks, you'll wish you'd started today.

    Good luck in your journey!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    smfritzii wrote: »
    You're setting yourself up for failure. In order to lose 1 pound of fat you need a 3,500 calorie deficit. That is a lot of deficit. Like, not eating at all for 2 days. You were talking about losing 3kg per week, which is almost 7 pounds. To do that you'd have to not eat at all *and* you'd have to do 1,500 calories worth of exercise every day without eating.

    In other words it's not going to happen.

    A realistic goal is 1 pound per week, and that's if you have a 500 calorie per day deficit. Even that is hard. An aggressive goal is 2 pounds per week.

    It sucks that it'll take 30 weeks to lose 30 pounds. But in 30 weeks, you'll wish you'd started today.

    Good luck in your journey!

    +1 for maths. What you're proposing defies logic and reason.
  • sanche16
    sanche16 Posts: 3 Member
    I want to do the same. Already dropped 15lb+ in 1 month :)
  • pjack142
    pjack142 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi thanks for your feedback
  • pjack142
    pjack142 Posts: 21 Member
    I believe it's do able. I have lost 4 kg in 4days
  • First I would like to say,
    your goal may be hard to reach...... but, Dreaming big is how big things happen. Dont listen to what the negative feedback says, work for what you're trying to do and Even if you don't meet a daily goal, keep going till you reach the final goal.

    If you want to add me feel free. If not, good luck and keep working on it. It will happen
  • pjack142
    pjack142 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you
  • pjack142
    pjack142 Posts: 21 Member
    I need all these comments to keep me going and prove its do able. No pressure
  • pjack142
    pjack142 Posts: 21 Member
  • pjack142
    pjack142 Posts: 21 Member
    I know it's healthy to lose 0.5kg or 1lb a week. Trust me, I tried for 5 months and didn't work for me. :#
  • jojokmack
    jojokmack Posts: 117
    Sweetheart,......I know you may thing that people are being mean and I see that you have had a big loss to start with.
    All I am saying is that the less you have to lose, the less you DO lose each week.
    I started at 187 and the first few weeks I lost A LOT of weight. That inevitably slows down considerably. I am now at about 158 and am ECSTATIC if I lose 1lb!
    Just be realistic is what we are all saying........1lb off is safe, healthy and achievable and it adds up :)
  • lawlifehanna
    lawlifehanna Posts: 90 Member
    smfritzii wrote: »
    You're setting yourself up for failure. In order to lose 1 pound of fat you need a 3,500 calorie deficit. That is a lot of deficit. Like, not eating at all for 2 days. You were talking about losing 3kg per week, which is almost 7 pounds. To do that you'd have to not eat at all *and* you'd have to do 1,500 calories worth of exercise every day without eating.

    In other words it's not going to happen.

    A realistic goal is 1 pound per week, and that's if you have a 500 calorie per day deficit. Even that is hard. An aggressive goal is 2 pounds per week.

    It sucks that it'll take 30 weeks to lose 30 pounds. But in 30 weeks, you'll wish you'd started today.

    Good luck in your journey!

    +1 for maths. What you're proposing defies logic and reason.

    Agreed. Here's the question, though: why only two months? Is there an event coming up?

    In shows like the Biggest Loser they do lose those numbers (in the beginning), but all they do is work out all day. You have a baby that needs to be cared for, and I'm guessing other life commitments as well.

    When I started, I lost 3kg in 3 days. That was the beginning. It's a great kick start (mostly water weight and a difference in how I weighed myself), but it's not a pace that I can sustain.
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    what a majority is saying is NOT negative feedback - these are the people who are experienced and knowledgable about weight loss and it will do you well to listen. Your weight might go quickly at the start but it will inevitibly slow down and you are setting yourself up for failure. What happens when you dont lose that weight in your alloted time? Will you then claim calorie counting doesnt work for you and fall off the wagon? Just listen to the advice given and dont give yourself a timeframe. Took me a 8 months to lose 40lbs
  • pjack142
    pjack142 Posts: 21 Member
    Jokokmack, I know what you are saying but I need to try this. Even if I lose 20lb in two months but atleast I did try :(
  • qstneverything
    qstneverything Posts: 125 Member
    I dropped weight really quickly once, but I was left with saggy skin because I lost it too quickly :(

    Pace yourself. Your goal is do-able and I'm not trying to stop you. But if you see any negative consequences it's not chucking the towel in if you need to slow down - it's becoming stronger. :D
  • 17BigDaddy
    17BigDaddy Posts: 32 Member
    Hi..I'm motivated...it's 12 years overdue...the last time I saw those washboard abs..I'm watching what I eat, putting in the work, and just received T25 in the mail...I'm commited to seeing them again...dropped 25 lbs in 2 months. Started out at 189 lbs and now down to 171 lbs. I want to get back to college weight and physique
  • optionsgod
    optionsgod Posts: 144 Member
    I have lost 20 lbs in about 2 months and that was thru the holidays which I slacked off more than I should have. It probably could of been close to 30lbs. You can do it. Friend request me if you like. Make sure you log in your food and weigh it. Definitely helps a lot.
  • pjack142
    pjack142 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you for your support guys. I believe we can do it for those who really want to lose 30lb in 2 months.
  • pjack142
    pjack142 Posts: 21 Member
    I mean why can't you lose 1.5kg or 3.5lb per week? If you are serious about losing extra weight around your waist???