Current iphone app. user- new to the website. Question on ca

Hi ya'll. I'm just checking out the website for the first time to get some more information on "net" calories. I'm a little confused with how many calories I should be eating daily with exercise. My goal calorie intake is 1200, which works fine for me, but I'm burning about 400 calories daily with exercise, bringing my "net" to 800.

Is this good or bad? Should I be eating more than 1200 calories because I'm exercising?
Or should I have a negative net to be losing weight?

I'm thrown off by other websites using the terms "deficit" "surplus" etc.

Thank you in advance for your help!



  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    As long as the net number is total calories eaten minus calories for exercise. Kinda like with net income, it is the money you have left after you've spent money to cover debts. If your calories remaining is green then your net is under your daily goal and your body is going to have to burn fat, when the number is red/negative then that means you are over your daily goal and your body has extra calories (which if you make a habit becomes more weight, if you do something like a zigzag [somedays over and somedays under...usually alternating] then it can help with the weight lost).

    If you are using the iPhone app take a look at the weekly which gives you more important info (just checked out the iPhone app today, I've been using the website and the Android app). Cause the weekly shows you what you've been doing and gives you your average for the week. As I understand when you are under by 3500 cals that equals a weight loss of a pound.
  • amac85
    amac85 Posts: 7
    (Right now my net is red because I ate over my goal of 1200 cal and didn't exercise :o/ )

    Normally I eat 1200 cal. a day and then exercise to burn off 400 cal. making my net usually around 800 cal.

    Should my net instead be 1200? It always tells me that I'm under my calorie goal. Is that bad?

    or will that make me lose wight faster because my net is even less than the 1200 goal I have set for myself?
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    Each day you are under your goal your body is just burning off more. Although if you are under your goal for too long your body might start trying to adjust to it and holding on to calories (stored or otherwise) being over every so often isn't a bad thing.
  • amac85
    amac85 Posts: 7
    Gotchya!!! Thanks! :o)
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    You're welcome! If there is another other questions I can help with just let me know!