I can't stop guzzlin' beer!

CrashD Posts: 14 Member
Lakers play and guess what I have in hand?
A nice cold brew and its definitely one of my weight loss obstacles I need to fight!

I do great in portion control and exercising but this what kicks my butt...

Any suggestions on how I can kick this or even options, please send them my way.

Oh, and please don't be afraid to add, I'm Coco by the way. :D


  • promiseskept
    promiseskept Posts: 119
    AA? Just kidding, get the light 64 calorie beer, get rid of the other, as long as its in the fridge you are going to drink it.
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    I work in a beer bar, and I know exactly what you mean. I told myself no beer for 30 days. I started a week ago- so far I've had 2 beers. Its better then how I used to be, I used to drink at least 8oz every day! (We do 4 oz shots twice a night) and then on my days off I would go in and hang out with friends.
    I now have a new friend who likes to go out for coffee :) Better for me, plus hes cute. he he. ok back on topic...
    Try to do no beer for a week, and go from there- good luck!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Alternate beer with something else - I suggest sparkling mineral water or plain soda water (no calories but it does contain sodium so you should log it). This way you still have a cold drink in hand but can cut your beer consumption in half.
    I find that drinking less also means that I don't tend to go overboard with snacking either, alcohol is not good for my willpower!
  • allystone
    allystone Posts: 134 Member
    Me too. On my days off especially, it's killing me!
  • sevenwolves
    I used to drink a lot and good microbrews too.. 200-400 cal per pint! I just quit entirely, and although that's not what you want to hear, that's the only thing I can suggest that works.
  • Armymom44
    Armymom44 Posts: 76
    Tell your self I will have to work out harder tommrow add more work outs drink water easier said than done I do not drink beer
  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    I think switching to lower calorie beer is a good idea. Eventually you should be able to wean yourself off it (or drink it less depending on what your goal is) I agree that getting rid of the other stuff is the best idea. My big obstacle is all the sweets and I finally just stopped buying them so I wasn't tempted.

    Good luck! It is possible to get over this hurdle. I used to drink close to 6 cans of Mountain Dew EACH DAY and then gave it up cold turkey for my New Years Resolution. Went through some powerful caffeine withdrawals but now I drink water and I feel better :smile:
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Just stop buying it. When I gave up alcohol it was a little difficult at first. I felt I needed a drink every night after my daughter went to bed just so I could relax. Pretty soon I realized I was getting more and more impatient with the amount of time it took to get her to sleep because I wanted that drink! It was at that point that I decided things needed to change. I finished up the bottle of rum and didn't buy another. After a couple of days I realized the stress I had been feeling wasn't real, it had actually been created by the desire to have that nightly drink. I started enjoying rocking my daughter to sleep and would hold her long after she had fallen asleep, simply because I loved that time with her. I felt so much better without the alcohol that I didn't mind not having it.

    There have been plenty of times since then that I've had a drink at a restaurant or when my husband has gotten me a bottle of rum. But once it's gone I don't miss it. Now that I'm pregnant again there have been times that I've thought, "Ooh, a drink would be nice!" But obviously I have a very important reason not to drink and it doesn't bother me. Once you get it out of your life you won't miss it. It may be a little difficult at first, but it's worth it not to have those calories and not to have the dependency, no matter how small it is.
  • mamato3inca
    mamato3inca Posts: 168 Member
    My weakness is merlot after the kids go to bed! It's my daily reward...day 3 of no reward : (
  • julesandrich
    julesandrich Posts: 188 Member
    I like the Beck's Premium Light beer (it actually tastes like beer). I have a hard time on Sunday's which is typically when I make myself a couple of Bloody Mary's (which are not helpful for my Monday morning weigh in). Perhaps plan your calories for a beer or two when you know it is game day?
  • TonysMiss
    TonysMiss Posts: 128 Member
    For every beer make yourself have a full glass of water. Then you can go to one beer two glasses of water. It will fill your tummy and you won't want to drink the beer! :happy:
  • ana70
    ana70 Posts: 93
    Beer is my down fall, in fact it is the reason why I am not losing weight. I started two years ago with a beer habit and I have to take control of it. I am hitting a 12 step meeting just to see if it helps. I eat pizza with my three beer and I do this on the weekend. So I know how you are struggling. Lets all support one another get off beer or practice harm reduction. Harm reduction is lessening the amount of beer and choosing light snacks to go with it. I watch hockey and beer is one of those things here in Canada that go together.
  • Juneliliy
    Juneliliy Posts: 21 Member
    I've recently decided to stop drinking myself. I was having a drink with dinner or sometimes socially with friends. But I decided that I need to detox my body. So I stop drinking. I decided that I will have a drink on a really special occasion, weddings or special best friends birthdays. So far I have been doing great, I don't have any cravings. For me it was the mental thought that I liked its relaxing feeling. But I am choosing to do other things that relax me, such as a trip to the Sauna, and listening to relaxing music. I hope this helps.
  • rachrach66
    rachrach66 Posts: 271 Member
    Beer is so freaking awesome!! I mean awful its sooo bad. I saw this as I'm swigging from one. :drinker: I switched to Bud 55 its great I can have two and not feel guilty. MGD 64 is good also and the Michelob Ultra or Light.
  • triplestak
    triplestak Posts: 3
    Any suggestions on how I can kick this or even options, please send them my way.

    I'm new here, but I came across your dilemma and I might have some suggestions: First off, as many people here have already said, switch to a lite beer. For a long time I thought lite meant it wasn't as strong in alcohol content!! :D Any ways, that's one suggestion.

    The other thing that helps me is planning one or two days a week where I can just take a break from my diet and eat and drink what I want. I used to be gymnastics coach, and so I'm not new to fitness. But I'm your typical yo-yo health freak. One year I'm totally skinny and in shape, eating right and exercising everyday, and the next year I'm 236 lbs (my current weight) and just stuffing my pie hole and drinking liking a sailor. I've realized that I love to eat and drink and I love to be in shape. What I did last time I got in shape was this: I ate a vegan diet during the weekdays and worked out five days a week (I'm talking a minimum of nine hundred calories a workout). Then on Saturday and Sunday, I'd just eat and drink whatever I wanted to. Honestly, I never gained any weight doing that and I was able to enjoy myself. I'm not saying you should do a vegan diet or follow my workout plan, but if your strict during the weekdays and really push yourself, then on the weekends, you can reward yourself. The tricky part is to only keep it to those two days and not let dribble over into Monday!!!

    You have to see it as something you do once in a while, like it's a treat instead of a daily event. Any ways, I don't know if any of this helps, but I thought I'd try. Good luck!!!.