50 lbs or more

I am 25 5'3" and sadly saw 200 on the scale this morning. I am hoping to reach 150-140.I have a huge problem getting and staying motivated.


  • chantyc1
    chantyc1 Posts: 137 Member
    I need to loose 60 stay focused, try drinking water when hungry b4 actually eating anything
  • sonystonie
    sonystonie Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks. I drink tons of water. Just need the motivation to not be lazy.
  • Nikkiairforcewife
    Nikkiairforcewife Posts: 164 Member
    I need to lose 100 lbs. I am finding I have the most success when I prepare my environment for success. Remove the junk food and tempations and make sure there's healthy snacks available. As far as moving, get a workout buddy or even a walking buddy to keep you accountable. Good luck!
  • melissapier12
    melissapier12 Posts: 2 Member
    I need to lose 100-120. It's okay to start small! If all you can do right now is a 10 minute walk, do that for a week or a few weeks, until you are able to do more. And figure out whay time you can make yourself stick to, work on making it a habit. I'm trying to do couch to 5k training in the early mornings before work, because after work in just too worn out to do it right. It's working pretty well so far!
  • otempura
    I have to loose 100 lbs! A good way to motivate yourself is doing exercises that mKe you FEEL good! Try yoga before bed! I did that last night and I felt pretty good. :) good luck! Start small, and work up!
  • yola2015
    I want to (need to) lose 70lbs....I am 5"10 I'm feeling really low as gained alot of weight (2stone) over past 2_30th and all of a sudden feel gross - feel like I'm in self destruct mode
  • boilermarcher
    boilermarcher Posts: 7 Member
    I need to lose 150 pounds. I have been "working" on my weight for years now but this time it's just gotta happen. I'm reading a book called "The Shift" by Tory Johnson and it is an excellent read! I highly recommend it to anyone in here making a commitment to shed the pounds. I always wobble between "I CAN DO THIS YEAH!" And "ohhhh boy... What have I gotten myself into. I just want some pizza". It's going to be a challenging road for us all but it has to be worth it!
  • savila311
    savila311 Posts: 9 Member
    I weigh 222 and am just starting my journey tomorrow will be my 7th day at the gym....and my first weigh in. I'd love to cheer you on and motivate you! I post alot on Snapchat as well. Feel free to add me on here or on Snap chat user name Sugarnspice21
  • shezza4mobee
    shezza4mobee Posts: 250 Member
    I'm 284 and need to lose another 120 to be at my true comfort level, but for now, I'm shooting for 250. I started Oct 1st at 308, not a pretty number to be looking back at you, let me tell you. It's been 3 months and there's weeks where I hit the gym 5-6 times and other weeks where I give myself a break. The thing is, don't try it all at once, change one or two habits at a time. 20 minute walk, parking further away, drinking more water, etc.
    Right now, I'm taking two water fit classes a week and try to do at least 2 walks and 1-2 sessions on the treadmill. I don't beat myself up when I don't do it all, as I'm trying to make new habits, not rush off the weight only to be back at square one later, and let me tell you, I've been there a few times rushing through it....
    Good luck!
  • sonystonie
    sonystonie Posts: 14 Member
    I started using mfp last year and was 212 and I managed to loose 20lb before my wedding in May. Unfortunately I have gained most of it back. I love food and sweets so it is hard for me to stay on track, my husband is of no help either. We both need to get healthy but he is a little harder to motivate. It is so hard to get motivated when you come home and everyone around you just wants to be a couch potato.
  • samcou90
    samcou90 Posts: 43 Member
    Im totally the same sonystonie. Im a big massive lover of chocolate and if theres none of that its whatever else crisps biscuits. I started on new years day. Im 16.1 now from 16.7. Its been ok a struggle everyday not to give up. My fella says its harder to loose it than eat it. He is right! I hada dpwnfall yesterday but its helped me see that ypu cannot be perfect ypu just have to try and take you diet each day at a time. You can add me. Im not a veggie r fruit lover. I just am working on a 1200 calorie diet and some exercise. Iv 2 kids so its not easy getting time lol ☺
  • Cosborne02
    Cosborne02 Posts: 13 Member
    I just started back on my weight loss journey this week. So far, I've lost 1.2 lbs just by cutting out sweets and eating gluten free. Will try to incorporate some exercise in soon, but gotta get out of this couch potato mode... Looking for suggestions.. Thanks to all!!! :smile:
    ZELLERKIM Posts: 7 Member
    I just started mfp. I would like to lose 60 pounds. I'm working on 1200 calorie diet and drinking lots of water. I'm starting out with a small goal of losing 20 pounds first and working toward 60.
  • mommaT317
    Hi all. Newbie here 5 days in. Looking to lose 60lbs plus. Would love to chat and befriend anyone looking for a motivation buddy with some laughs along the way.
  • bsaldana356
    bsaldana356 Posts: 1 Member
    I need to lose about 50-60 lbs! I have just started again this last Monday. I lost about 25lbs almost 2 years ago but i have gained it all back mostly due to laziness and lack of nutrition (i used to drink tons of soda) you are more than welcome to add me, we can keep each other motivated! My favorite thing that gets me going is Zumba i love it because it's so fun it doesn't really feel like a work out...it's more like some time out with the girls :smile: lol
  • brandirosed
    brandirosed Posts: 22 Member
    I also have problems staying motivated! I have 80 lbs to lose to be my major goal weight, but after a week or so i tend to lose motivation and undo all I've worked for.
  • ACEskinnymoo
    Hi! I'm also 25, looking to lose about 55 pounds. Happy to be a support to you and anyone else who is looking for friends. Feel free to add :)
  • srrosenbalm
    srrosenbalm Posts: 35 Member
    I'm not new to MFP but I'm always looking to add friends in order to stay motivated! I'm currently looking to drop down to 140 lbs. Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • aliseasea
    aliseasea Posts: 5 Member
    I have 100+ lbs to lose in total but I know it is possible because I lost a bunch (80+) a couple years ago...but gained it back in the last year and a half :\ This time I know what to do to lose it and what not to do to gain it back. I only have to fail once! Would love to have any new friends for mutual encouragement!
  • sonystonie
    sonystonie Posts: 14 Member
    I have not figured out how to add anyone yet so request away