hello from Scott

scottehibbard Posts: 1
edited November 9 in Introduce Yourself
Hello myFitnessPal community!

I'm getting close to being done with the Medical Weight Loss program. I've lost around 60lb and I've gotten used to tracking my meals in my medical weight loss journal. Now that I'm almost done I want a way to continue to track my weight and diet. I've heard lots about my fitness pal so I decided to give it a try. It's been about 3 weeks and I'm loving this app! I can really see using this long term to keep on top of my weight.

I haven't been exercising as I've lost my weight. Now that I've learned how to control my weight with diet, I'd like to eventually add exercise back into my life. I'm looking forward to using this app to track that as well.

So far so good!


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