Workout Gear & Body Spray?

Just wanted to know if any ladies can recommend any good workout gear for women? Mostly looking for good clothing that wicks sweat and easy to run(indoors and /or outdoors) and a nice body spray? I sweat a lot and worried a bit about some BO...thanks
and please don't recommend just t-shirts and shorts, because they tend to get sweaty and smelly fast on me...


  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm a big fan of Old Navy compression bottoms and Nike dri fit bottoms. I don't have a body spray recommendation. I drip sweat during my bootcamp classes and regular deodorant seems to work just fine. Tops I'm not as picky about. I usually do tanks because I feel constricted in T-shirts. But I have picked up some Nike dri fit tanks recently but haven't worn them yet.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Deodorant for the smell issue. Get the clinical kind (usually comes in a box and is in the top row at the store) if you are really concerned.

    I like the Tek Gear stuff from Kohl's. And then whatever t-shirts are comfortable and not too loose, not too clingy. I think that's a personal thing so I'm not sure what to say when you say not to suggest t-shirts.
  • girlinteepee
    girlinteepee Posts: 33 Member
    thanks ladies, this helps out a lot! I just noticed a lot of the other guys smell better than I do sometimes and my "regular" workout gear tends to absorb sweat and starts to smell damp afterwards
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Try adding white vinegar to the wash when you wash your workout gear. And wash your workout gear more often. I know that I can't wait until I get a load's worth of workout clothes to wash because they would stink to high heaven. Instead, I just throw it in with whatever throughout the week.
  • ThePinkPanda
    ThePinkPanda Posts: 208 Member
    I don't recommend a body spray because those can be more unpleasant than b.o. lol. i put rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle and spray down all my clothes after a work out and before a wash, similar to the vinegar thing mentioned above. I sometimes have to wash gym clothes a few times a week.

    as far as what to wear, i also like old navy's active line, but really anything moisture-wicking should be good for the sweat.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    If you don't have workout clothes yet, Old Gravy is a good place to start.
  • girlinteepee
    girlinteepee Posts: 33 Member
    good idea! will try that from now :)